Current state of hunters

I personally think they need to brake up the hunter specs and make them more individual.
BM should be all pet focused
MM I think should be like a range rogue with a ton of burst damage.
SV should be more melee base streamline and possible dual wielding like rexxar.

You say no one wanted surv yet tons of people are playing the spec. I switched to Surv from a Mage months ago and I still love it. I think itā€™s great. Just because you may not like it or donā€™t know how to play it well doesnā€™t mean no one wanted it. Donā€™t pass your opinions off as facts.

Survival is fun. But in legion it wasnā€™t. Im sure a majority of hunters werenā€™t overly happy with it at 1st but people warmed up to it after they fixed it

Uh, no. There are not a ton of people playing the spec. It is still very severely underrepresented especially given its damage output. Thatā€™s the whole point. Blizzard is having a very hard time making people want to play Survival.

Also, as per usual Iā€™ll point out that you are a) not a Hunter main and b) canā€™t even be bothered to post on your Hunter toon. Pretty typical for someone who advocates for melee Survival.


Is this better? 383 Survival. Itā€™s amazing to play, very versatile as a melee and great damage. Try again kid.


Usually when people start posting things like post on your Hunter, or on your main, they are doing it because they have no real argument and they donā€™t want you or anyone else to know that. Next time just ignore it and keep things about the content of your posts.

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Youā€™re 1/8mā€¦

Kinda hard to tell someone else they dont know how to play a spec.

Issue isnt that itā€™s fun or not fun itā€™s a melee spec that most dont want to play because they want to be a ranged hunter no matter how much blizzard pushes it on us.


Heā€™s at least playing SV, which is more than Bepples can say, and that is being fair to Bepples.

That doesnt change the data Bepples is suggesting.

Bepples said people dont play survival even though itā€™s the better hunter spec by far in terms of numbers. Because it is infact better with far less logs than the other hunter specs. He said blizzard is having a tough time getting the hunter community to play Survival and hes not wrong, the logs can back that claim up.

As far as saying Bepples cant play survival well is just an opinion and like I pointed out itā€™s from the opinion of someone who is only 1/8mā€¦


Itā€™s not that canā€™t, he could if he wants to, it that he wonā€™t, and when it comes to playing it, he has no first hand knowledge on it. When it comes to numbers, MM is in just as bad of a spot, the difference is that, people are not telling MM Hunters to swap to another Spec because of Raid Spots.

The issue is that itā€™s pretty common knowledge to most people pushing mythic content, including mythic+. Spots are always limited to melee. Thatā€™s just the way it has always been. Most guild leaders want or need ranged over melee thatā€™s just facts, cant really get around that. Raids will try to be ranged heavy vs melee heavy as mechanics lean in favor of ranged.

So in mythic a usual fight comp would be 2/4/14.
Of the 14 DPS most raid leader will want around 9 ranged and 5 melee. Maybe 8 ranged 6 melee but its NEVER the other way around which is what puts survival at a disadvantage.

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Thatā€™s not much of a disadvantage, nor is it something Iā€™ve ever had a problem with. Iā€™ve been told to bring a melee in more than getting a Hunter. Then again, Iā€™ve had guild members ninja loot things from me even more than being told to go ranged.

What exactly are they pushing on ā€œusā€?? The Melee/Range spec been around since Vanilla. The mess is wrong with some of these Hunters :sob: :sob: :sob: :rofl: :sob: :sob:. You donā€™t have to be Mythic ++ or have 890+ Ilvl to understand how to play the spec or even enjoy it. Iā€™m all LFR this expansion, so you going to say I canā€™t play the spec because I refuse to do more? Get out of here with that foolishness.

We have TWO ranged specs already. Its like Iā€™m repeating myself every time because its obvious a lot of Hunters in these forums havenā€™t been around since Vanilla or forgot the old talent tree system and the IDENTITY Hunters ā€œhadā€. So let me repeat it here so you can understand.

In Vanilla:
BM Hunters ;

  1. Spec was focused on Pet/Range
  2. Spec was built solely around buffing Pet(s) and Range

Marksman Hunters ;

  1. Spec was focused on Range
  2. Spec was built solely around buffing Ranged abilities

Survival Hunter ;

  1. Spec was focused on Melee/Range and some Defensive buffs
  2. Spec was built to buff Melee/Ranged with some Defensive buffs

Obviously you can Hybrid these specs, but some of the basic abilities applied to all specs regardless if you went full Marksman or Beast Mastery.

The problem with ā€œBepplesā€ :sob::sob: :sob: is that this person doesnā€™t like Hunters being Melee. We had already established this conversation which made me stop writing to that person because I was writing to a wall. I rarely touched BM spec because I found it to be trash. That is my opinion. I played Marksman mixed with Survival in Vanilla till this expansion and stopped because it is complete trash and lacks engagement and synergy. Survival Hunters are actually pretty fun and I enjoy it compared to the other two because its more fluid, though the spec still needs to be fixed in some areas. The reason WHY Hunters donā€™t play Survival is due to the WoD - MoP old range Survival spec many want and miss, which can be added into the current MM spec because it was solely a RANGE spec. To say it canā€™t be done is more foolish writing and I donā€™t need to go into details there. Players also donā€™t like the current Survival spec because Hunters are once again Melee/Range. Basically many Hunters donā€™t like playing Melee Hunters. That is plain and simple, so this leaves Devs in the situation they are in, but it can easily be fixed once that incorporate the old Range Survival into MM spec. If they do fix MM like how it use to be, I would still switch out to Survival and MM because Iā€™m actually enjoying Survival.

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Stopped reading when you said all you do is LFR.

Of course the melee vs ranged doesnt apply to youā€¦

Go to wowprogress and look at what most guilds who are atleast 5/8m and are what they are recruiting. Itā€™s not melee.

You can sit there and type till youā€™re blue in the face the issue is still people dont play survival over bm or mm because its melee. Fewer raid spots in mythic guilds. Just because you dont have the issue doing LFR doesnt mean the issue doesnt exist.


:sob: :sob: :rofl: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: I canā€™t, yaā€™ll funny :sob: :sob:. I donā€™t need to look at WoW progress or anything. Like I said and others who play Survival enjoy it. Its the others who just donā€™t want to play a Melee Hunter. Hate to break it to you, but we now have Melee Hunters back!!! I donā€™t care what the top raiding guilds bring or donā€™t bring to their raids. I play the spec out of enjoyment and if the guild donā€™t want me playing it, then I wont be joining them plain and simple. Iā€™m pretty sure there are those who donā€™t play BM or MM because they donā€™t like it :sob: :sob: :sob:. So much salt over Melee Hunters :sob: :sob: when you canā€¦ avoid it :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob:.

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Not sure you understand how to read or comprehend what youā€™re reading??

Where is this salt for melee hunter? Where have I said anything negative in reference to survival?

This made up hatred you keep putting on othersā€¦ I am stating facts that melee has less raid spots over ranged. Iā€™m sure in LFR it doesnt matter but any mythic raid setting thatā€™s just how it is. There is no way escaping that reality and myself and a few others have just pointed it out. I have never played survival and it may be a blast but its melee, warrior a are fun so is dk and rogue but they are MELEE. This isnt that complicatedā€¦

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Iā€™m not sure you understand how to read or comprehend as well, but were is this made up hatred? Iā€™m finding this funny and sad at the same time. And that is YOUR choice like how it is other Hunters choice in choosing to play Melee Hunters. There is salt when it comes down to it because its being complained about though forums when there are really no issues with it beside some tweaking in areas. The problem with LFR and Mythic is because guilds CHOOSE to not take Melee Huntersā€¦ :man_shrugging:t5: just like how they choose not to take other classes and specs :man_shrugging:t5:.

I put no hatred towards survival you quoted me saying I had hatred towards melee hunteraā€¦ i dont.

You only play 5% of the game yet you have this opinion on stuff you dont even doā€¦

If you have a melee spot in a guild I doubt the guild cares if you reroll to another meleeā€¦its the same spot. If youā€™re say BM or MM and your guild already has enough melee good luck telling them youā€™re going melee next tier. The issue is the amount of melee spots that you seem to keep ignoring as if it doesnt happen to others.

My guild for instance has no spots available. It wouldnā€™t matter if I went survival or I dual wielded tauren warriors as a melee priest, the fact of the matter there are no melee spots open.

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Not really because itā€™s clearly still a new toon. Fact is you have far less investment in the class than many long-term Hunters which means you inherently hold Hunters/Hunter specs to be more expendible. This is something I see a lot in discussions on Survival.

You do know there was an actual response to the point of his argument in my post, right?

This again?

You keep repeating this but youā€™ve never been able to demonstrate how any of what I say is wrong, let alone wrong because of the fact that I havenā€™t played melee Survival. This is pretty ironic coming right after a post where you judge me for alledgedly not responding to the content of peopleā€™s posts.

Already went over this in the other thread so I wonā€™t repeat it here, but Iā€™ll just say that you really need to stop pretending that the current iteration of SV is more representative of the Vanilla iteration than ranged SV. Itā€™s demonstrably untrue, especially so since Classic is coming out.

Vanilla SV could do its full damage potential while at range. BFA SV cannot. End of discussion.

They are pushing a melee spec on us because we used to be all ranged, many of us used to play SV, so not only are we no longer able to play our spec of choice but we are also faced with a situation where SV is becoming the most competitive Hunter spec. If you like getting a high arena rating you are already forced to play SV, and thatā€™s very concerning.

Also, the emoji spam again? Stop acting like a 10-year-old.

You posted a whole list that just repeats itself a bunch of times and doesnā€™t prove any of what you say.

Another block of text which is just repeating the same lies from the other thread. Go refer to that response and stop inventing history.

The one thing we agree on is ā€œmany Hunters donā€™t like playing Melee Huntersā€. Great job, thatā€™s true, and thatā€™s exactly why it shouldnā€™t be a thing. Itā€™s exclusive and it cost us a spec a lot of people actually liked.

Itā€™s hard to avoid it when ranged Survival used to be my main spec. I donā€™t have that option at all now because of melee Hunters.

Oh, and SV is increasingly gaining a numerical advantage over our ranged specs in all forms of content in a desperate bid to make people play the spec.


Bepples has already explained in other threads what you keep posting but donā€™t understand. You canā€™t roll the old version of survival into MM and make it work without detracting from one of the two, its not possible.

If it were they would have kept Guardian and Feral Druids as one spec.

They broke MM and outright deleted the spec many of us played. Iā€™m glad you have fun as survival now* but this version pales in comparison to the legion one which actually required a thoughtful rotation.

Ranged survival dwarfed the legion iteration. Melee hunter is a meme because its not a hunter. You canā€™t even do 50/50 of your damage from ranged because your most significant damage is mongoose bite/auto attack and they removed the 5 yard range on all abilities from legion (like interrupt).

Most people play hunter for a ranged spec and the frustration comes from poor balancing on MM/BM and the horrible rework of MM.

Its pretty obvious they arenā€™t changing it until next expansion, yet they specifically tuned survival to do more damage then the other two specs. IF you dropped survival damage to MM/BM levels people would see it for what it is.