Current state of hunters

So anyone else not happy with how blizzard has handled hunters lately. 1st turning suv into a melee spec which im sure none of us wanted. If they really wanted to give them a melee spec why not jusy give them a 4th spec like druids. And they’ve slowly destroyed mm since mop when it was probably imo at it best. Now its some clunky mess with mediocre damage. And bm is bm. Always been the same


still waiting for them to hire the previous dev who worked on MM because this guy has no clue.


But I like survival…


Its fun. But old suv was better.


Honestly, enjoying my BM, to me hunters have always been a ranged spec. Ever see someone hunting with just a knife ( yeah it happens… but more like MM, not Sv or BM ) They simply ran out of ideas. You want to be a SV, roll rogue. Seems they simply ran out of ideas and needed more melee. What is next… Lock tank spec?
Game is broke, sadly. 8.1 was a sad joke on us all. My other toons are horrible now.
So Bm it is


I used to main Outlaw which is arguably pretty similar to Survival in theme and in some ways gameplay. Personally I find Survival to be much more enjoyable and I dig the class fantasy (nobody asked for pirates) .

I feel like Survival is a good “Jack of all trades” spec.


I played from vanilla and stopped end of Pandaria expansion. Came back few months ago, wasn’t crazy about the state the hunter class is in.

All three specs feel very boring and monotonous to play, the gameplay just doesn’t seem fun anymore.

BM keeping your dot up and hitting 3 buttons endlessly. We know the crapfest MM is, they’ve really killed MM from it’s better days of past. SV I don’t mind being a melee spec, but I just don’t like how the spec works. Mashing your mongoose bite button to build up 5 stacks is very boring and repetitive. Just annoying managing MB stacks while weaving in improved bombs and SS. It was cool for a while but got extremely boring fast for me. It’s not just a hunter issue, Blizz has made every class/spec one where you press the ssme few buttons, or build procs, keep a dot active, the gameplay these days is super boring.

The ability pruning went too far, along with how many abilities are tied to the global cooldown. Characters just aren’t fun to play anymore. With how lame BFA is, having boring gameplay really stings when mixed in with the lamest dungeons I can remember, and other yawnfest content like islands and war front. If it wasn’t for building up my transmog catalog or hunting down all the cool pets I missed over last 3 expansions, I don’t think I could stomach the mess this game has become.

Azerite gear really sucks too. Having to keep up with ilevel and obtain multiple sets if you play different specs sucks. They should of just made glyphs a bigger feature. Could of made some decent ones for inscriptionsits to create and also could add some as drops in dungeons and raids. Also don’t like having to take a hit to haste and crit due to not being on our 3 pieces of azerite gear.

Also hate the direction they’ve taken our pets. No reason each family can’t have one unique ability not shared with any other species. They still could have kept a unique ability for each family, then also lump them into one of the utility abilities like lust, enrage debuff, ect.

Seems like every road they walked down, they decided to destroy what was fun and players liked, and replace everything with something bland, poorly designed and boring.


Yeah bro it feels bad.


I mean, melee for hunters was going to happen considering it was melee back in the days. I’m actually happy with it, but the spec itself could use more fixing and synergy. They need to add better focus regen and better more interesting and engaging abilities into the rotation. MM is trash even with this “rework”. They need to bring back the old abilities from Vanilla - Cata. almost 90% of MM talents now should have been abilities along with some of the PVP talents. They need to give MM Chim shot. The old Survival abilities should have been added into MM talent tree. I’m shocked they still haven’t done that yet. BM, I very very rarely play this spec, so I don’t have much to say on it beside it looked and felt boring when I tried it out couple months ago.

Thats what ive been saying. Putting suv talents in the mm talent tree. Ss and es are thetr already just missing black arrow


I would be having more fun with my BM, if stomp were to have its taunt back.

No offense, but you’re not even max level.

Anyway, my sub runs out on christmas, and i’d say the best christmas gift to myself is to stop giving blizzard money for this garbage, they refuse to fix this class, our ranged specs are a joke, only survival is viable in PVP and it’s also our best DPS in pve, they keep forcing this experiment on us and i’ve had enough. I want my kiting master class back, i want to be able to outplay melee rather than be a god damn punching bag unless i pick up a spear and become tarzan.

I’ve had enough, and blizzard can go to hell. Later fellas, they won’t fix this class, ion is a hack and deserves to be fired.


And killshot… Dunno why that was ever taken away


im happy with hunters in legion for pvp it was mm hunter the entire expax.sidewinders marked shot and it was fun i topped damage in almost every hunter wasnt good for bgs and suv was a mess.

now its suv,bm and mm at the bottom.i still like to play bm because of ranged mobility other wise id be playing suv hunter.i personally feel hunters are in a good spot.

MM’s current state is a bit of a shame. My GF mained MM in Legion when the spec was an absolute beast.


Survival is fun as is.


My main spec/class of the game has been BM Hunter since vanilla. Since Legion BM has been ok for casual or solo PvE. However it sucks for endgame raiding and really sucks for PvP.

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Truer words have never been said lol. Make. Suv melee. No one wants to play it. Implements terrible and clunky class design to mm and bm so people are forced to play suv if they wanna play hunters



I heard some of your commentator teams got, “moved around.” Your games are failing, that’s why. You have nothing, you get nothing! Good day sir (to Blizz)!


No, it wasn’t.