Current state of hunters

Correct Hunters were the last class brought into the game. Survival was originally going to be called Woodsmen and be a melee spec. The last talent was Lacerate, but it did such abysmal damage Blizzard overhaul the spec in 1.7 removed most of the melee stuff and replaced it with Wyvern Sting. Essential Survival was a melee focused spec for only about seven months before changing into a range spec with talents that strengthen melee capabilities.


Right. We each play the game in our own ways. Hunters were a ranged class, you picked it and played it as melee sometimes; to me that’s weird, but whatever.

But it doesn’t just end at some innocent alternative playstyle. The Hunter class matured into the ranged weapon expert (which, by the way, was the entire focus and intent right from the beginning), Survival became its own unique spec and playstyle, people like me went to play it and enjoy it for many years, only for Legion to come along and essentially evict us from the spec. Then people like you come along and say because you had those melee episodes in Vanilla we should all step aside and be happy for you, with anything else being selfish/cruel. No, it doesn’t work that way.

You going around meleeing easy quest mobs in Vanilla doesn’t affect my playstyle. Taking away my preferred spec does. Why don’t you just run up to the mob and shoot at them from 1 yard away if you like that sort of thing so much? Why must you restrict other players to melee-only to complete your enjoyment? That’s the true selfishness here.

I’m not being elitist. I’m saying that specs should not abruptly and arbitrarily change core designs late into a game’s lifespan; ESPECIALLY when it’s to change a niche audience. It’s the same reason I’m against Hunter/Shaman tanks. Approximately 100% of people pushing for these sorts of things are ignoring what gets taken away and who gets screwed over to make it happen. And that includes you. You very evidently don’t care that a lot of people lost their favourite spec just so your niche “just-for-fun” melee moments from Vanilla could become an actual spec. If this was all put in some 4th spec there would be 0 problem. But no, we lost 1/3 of our class for this.

I never said it did. Especially because I really didn’t push content back then. The point is countering people who claim that melee was a valid and viable playstyle back then.

Solo, casual content is just not relevant in that argument. ANY playstyle works there. You can go around shooting mobs to death as a Warrior/Rouge, or wanding them to death as a Mage/Warlocks. In that last example, those classes actually had talents buffing Wand damage. The question is a) whether there was a true MELEE SPEC for Hunters back then, and b) whether it is worth making one in 2016 onwards at the expense of an existing ranged spec (hint: NO is the answer to both questions).

Yes, actually, I do tell you that that’s an unworthy reason for having this spec. Again, because it cost other people their spec. You cannot keep ignoring that point. I call you selfish because you believe your preferred playstyle is inherently worth more than others. Survival always represented the better utility aspects of Hunters i.e. the kiting and control. Those are big reasons people came to the class, especially to play that spec in particular. Being melee-only throws a wrench in that and screws those people over.

Also, I’ve “had ranged SV all of WoW”? How do you think specs are meant to work? Do you think they are meant to regularly switch between competing designs to give everyone a go? Yeah, no. You have different specs for different playstyle preferences. If you want to fight beside your pet so much, play Unholy. Or play BM and just stick to melee range. If that’s not enouhg for you and you need a Hunter pet AND a melee-only Hunter, consider not forcing your overly specific and pedantic tastes on others.

I’m sure people did. And that means nothing to me if you can’t prove it was any significant amount of people. You can name any niche spec idea and find a non-zero number of people supporting it. I’ve seen and argued with people non-ironically demanding a Hunter healing spec. The fact that they have to effectively bribe people with superior DPS (and still ultimately get underwhelming results) to get them to play a melee Hunter spec now tells me that use of the word “many” in your post probably isn’t accurate.

Oh my. The language isn’t clear but I sure hope he isn’t claiming that SV was garbage before 7.0 given how provably untrue that is.

Aaaand looking at the rest of this unfiltered braindump of a post that appears to be the case. This will be an easy one.

Uhh, yeah, given that I and a lot of other people did just that.

Oh look, it’s this garbage claim again.

No, actually. SV had it’s own distinct identity and we were fine with it. Why can’t you people go crying to the mages about Arcane being an awkward in-between of Fire and Frost, or Warlocks with Affliction being an in-between of Demonology and Destruction? It’s kind of selfish of me to push that onto those classes; I don’t mean them any harm. But melee revisionism has done enough damage to this class already. Give it a rest.

I don’t know why you mention Aspect of the Viper since that wasn’t a Survival-only thing. Black Arrow and Explosive Shot were actually awesome. Especially Explosive Shot. That one was the most aesthetically strong ability the class had. You better believe you had people flocking to the spec when they first added it. The 8.0 fakery has nothing on 3.0.

Why don’t you actually go look up the statistics before making such nonsense claims? Ranged Survival was an extremely popular spec for most of its existence, even spending many months as the most played spec in the game. It wasn’t a “confusing mess” untill the melee brigade came along and declared it so, probably to deflect from how melee Survival is the real confusing mess (throwing bombs at yourself while stealing BM’s identity, LOL).

Yeah yeah, we heard this the first 3 times or so you said it in the same post. SV was fine; you’re just making crap up as you go along in an attempt to deflect blame from melee Survival. Doesn’t work. Ranged SV was infinitely superior to melee SV.


Just stop dude. People don’t read your walls of text. You’ve lost the argument

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If I was an a$$hole who didn’t want to put work into my points, this would be my excuse too.


Hunter class lost all of its enjoyment after WoD. GG while it lasted.


obv you have not seen this routine with him. He forces people down his line of argument then hits them with walls of text going over the same points already brought up. And heard yet rejected.

then when we bring up very simple points to why after 2 years he needs to just give it up and that even if he got what he wanted he would then be doing exactly what he had happen to him to us. He basically just starts over. With more walls of text.

He doesn’t understand that We would lose our spec.

they wanted a hunter spec to be this from jump. Finally after 15 years they figured it out. They are not going back.

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I dont have to prove anything to you. Enough people wanted a melee hunter that we now have one. I dont care if you like it or not. I don’t care if you want old Survival back or not.


I’ve been lurking for a long time on this thread and I am 100% agreement with Bepples.

I think the most fun I have ever had with this game was Survival 3.0. God WotLK was a dream for hunters hands down my favorite expac.

I see where you are coming from Cambodius I too experimented in BC with stacking stamina gear and dodge. Building a 41/20 survival/bm build and going out world PvPing but I would have never traded one of my ranged specs for it.

Also I don’t know how many people actually played vanilla, but you the only time you were meleeing was when a warrior charged you or a rogue/feral opened on you. Most likely you would have a ice trap down or an explosive trap down. Or you fd and trapped them. If you didn’t do this the only option was to spam wing clip. You hardly ever raptor striked for dmg. You would spam wing clip and hope for an imp wingclip proc then run away and range them down again.


I’m sorry but a spec called “Survival” where your #1 goal is to “harpoon” yourself into a pile of enemies is outrageously stupid class design that most people are just turned off by. I don’t care how “effective” Blizzard makes the spec in terms of raw damage output, it’s a stupid idea that still feels out of place.

What SV should have always been, as I’ve seen argued by thousands of people over the years, is a mid-short range dual wield ranged spec with a focus on “close combat” only when opening from stealth (camouflage) and as a finisher (think kill shot, but with both weapons, and requires melee range). Something more in line with a ranged Rogue, something more tactical but still ranged

I mean
 call me crazy, however unbalanced something like that may seem, it’s easily more interesting than this steaming pile of hot mess that SV is right now, which is essentially a gimp Warrior hopping around lobbing traps at people.

SV could, and should be so much cooler than it is right now
 I feel like whatever vision they had for SV as a 2h pike wielding whatever it’s supposed to be
 is just way off the mark. It doesn’t scream Hunter to me, and it continues to feel out of place.


So, Outlaw?

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Exactly Outlaw.

I’ve been involved off and on with the blizz hunter forums for a very long time. I don’t recall ever seeing such a desire.

Not that I’m saying it doesn’t sound mildly interesting. I’m a fan of a ranged/melee hybrid. Regardless of arguments to the contrary, I used our melee abilities to great effect in PvP back in the day. But there is no doubt that was hit and run only. The entire class has (until recently) been a ranged class. On top of that ranged core, for the first 8 years we had some useful (situational) melee abilities.

The current survival is in a sense the opposite of that. Its melee with some useful ranged abilities. It’s too much melee and not enough ranged for the hybrid spec I would play though (and has no bow, grr).

Since they got rid of us having both weapons, it’s just really not possible to make the type of class I would like to see. Regardless, at no point should they have nuked what has been the most popular spec in the game on several occasions (SV) to make the version we have now. Even if some like it or even love it, even if it’s top DPS and best in PvP, it still sucks that we no longer have a good ranged kiting class in hunter (something both SV and MM were great at).

They have made so many mistakes with hunter since Legion its silly stupid. The current state of hunters sucks. It will continue to suck unless and until they unprune (and make baseline again) a ton of stuff.


You don’t remember Gwyeric? It’s been bandied about at least once a melee thread since I’ve been on the forums (late 2006).

I recall seeing threads on melee abilities, though not specifically a “dual-wielding short-mid range spec”. It’s possible I was absent during those posts or I ignored them as uninteresting. The name Gwyeric sounds vaguely familiar, but I am terrible with names so I have no context for that vague memory.

All he used was two 1h axes.

I have no issues with suv being melee. Byt id like a ranged munitions spec like old suv in the game. Idk i think class design needs to be more in dept especially since most classes have pruned

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Seems silly that there wouldn’t be a spec that specializes in guns since BM snd Outlaw both use them. I always thought it would be a fun class design, and there are several cool themes and ideas you could play with.

must be a meme at this point to hate on Survival Ironic when its the best dps spec of the 3 and the most fun. Im glade its not a watered down mm range spec like it was til legion. Hunter needed a melee spec as it had originally in classic and BC I Love Survival its the only hunter spec I dont feel is elevator music at the old folks home. Most who seem to complain about it dont even dare try it out fully to appreciate it.


Again I don’t think people actually played in vanilla. Or I must remember it like 100% differently.

Survival was a tree that was only used for supporting the rest of the builds like mm or bm. Before the 2ap = 1agi change (If you even know what that means) you would play a 21mm/30 survival (for lightning reflexes and surefooted). And of the survival tree the only melee talents you would take was imp wing clip.

I don’t know why people keep bringing up well back in vanilla this or that bla bla bla. Like did playing vanilla makes you some part of WoW hierarchy? At least if you are going to make claims about playing vanilla know your stuff before coming on here and saying dumb stuff that is wildly inaccurate.

Btw I don’t know if you remember the first entire rehaul of survival the first time? That was 3.0. Because no one played survival in BC.


Nobody played it because BM was OP and more importantly, EW did not stack so the raid only needed one SV Hunter. Nobody actually played MM in BC.

BTW I was one of the SV Hunters that you say didn’t exist.