Current state of hunters

I tried reading most of this… A lot I had to skip, just “cause”…

SV started out as a melee spec yes. They couldn’t balance it and they changed it later. At it’s “best” hunter glory days, SV, MM and BM were really close on dps in WOTLK. SV and MM were close, but depending on the iteration, in raid, SV pulled ahead. BM spiked a couple of times in Cata but never once was dominating till post wod. After Ghostcrawler left, beginning of WOD the dev team NEVER fixed SV.

Everything that you guys are talking about above me I find intriguing. NOBODY was asking for a melee hunter. NOBODY who came in even remembered or were around during the short stent that melee hunters even existed. Legion was a horrible time to reintroduce a melee hunter as the fights already favored melee AND the introduction of the DH. (Or at least the reintroduction because we were supposed to get DH during BC.)

They rolled SV out as melee because it was EASIER to balance melee and SV would really negate a lot of the raid mechanics. They made MM even more like the casters with their lack of motility and BM they could control what the pet damage output was.

That’s it. Lack of ability to balance SV, just like the constant breaking of affliction warlock is the reason you saw the two popular classes being removed or nerfed into the ground. If people didn’t actually quit the game then, they rerolled something else. No matter how much they buffed melee SV, they couldn’t get people to play it and NOW in BfA since it lacks in cleave damage, it won’t be getting any people “trying” it.

There are so many better melee options to switch to like a Rogue or DH, there is no overwhelming desire for a SV’s utility. Despite its tranq or lust or w.e. Lackluster DPS and not being part of the community’s accepted META you’re not going to convince people to “try” it.

It’s garbage and the best thing they could have done is make the spec either ranged or melee. Had they done that, they would have seen where the community wanted to be. I don’t want to play a pet class that is broken and contingent upon a mechanically fouled pet and I don’t want to play a lackluster and very boring melee spec when there is so much better to play, fury warr, outlaw rogue, dh. All of these conversations are ridiculous. Bless you guys who enjoy SV as melee. It should have been an option or fourth choice.


I 100% agree with making SV a melee spec was a terrible choice. Quite literally my favorite spec, and the one that ive been playing since Wotlk and they killed it for no damn reason, could of just given DH the same style as SV. Some people may enjoy the new SV but, ive never met them. the ones that do actually play it, only play it because its the best hunter spec for arenas and highest dps spec of hunters in PVE. Everyone i’ve talked to usually says something like “its not that bad” I’ve never heard somebody say “I like playing it, its fun” Really wish they would add a 4th spec to hunters and give us back old SV or create a class with the identical style, “full mobility with dots, and procs” it was just so much fun and i miss it.

btw, this isnt to knock the new SV, its to knock blizz’s decision to eliminate the old SV which was my and many hunters favorite spec to play. One solution ive read is to go into MM tree and make Aimed Shot, Explosive shot, and chimera shot on the same row and kind of work an SV build into the MM tree. THis would require minimal effort on blizz’s end while still giving us Hunter lovers the ability to play SV hunter the way we all remember and love


The fact Ion himself admitted that melee Survival wasn’t made for Hunters and that they were hoping that rerolls and new players would populate it is disgusting. If I wanted to play a melee I wouldn’t play a Hunter, I’d play a Warrior, Rogue, Paladin, Death Knight or Demon Hunter. But I don’t, I wanted to play a ranged class, that’s why I picked Hunter.

It’s no coincidence that everyone that says they love current Survival usually mentions that they’ve never played it before and they rerolled from their Rogue or whatever.

Why would you alienate a class’s playerbase just to get other people to play it? What the hell?


I started playing Hunter specifically to play MM towards the end of Legion because I was getting bored of my Rogue, Monk, DK, DH, and wanted to try a ranged class. I hadn’t even given Survival a second thought until determining that MM was a bit to bland for my tastes (This was around lvl 35). I switched spec to Survival and was instantly drawn to it after playing for just a few hours. It felt like a jack of all trades. Sure it wasn’t perfect, but it was new and interesting.

The BFA changes watered it down a bit, but it still maintains the dynamic playstyle that I love about the class. The point is, I didn’t play Survival because I wanted to play another Melee class. I play Survival because it’s a lot of fun and I personally feel that it suits my playstyle.



For the record, I mained SV before it was melee. My issues with the Class have nothing to do with SV in its current or past state. I would rather fix a lot of issues with BM and MM than have someone get offended by the Spec I play. Why in God’s name is MM so freaking spiky? Why don’t they revert the 5% Nerf to BM? Why has so little feedback I have had since Alpha changed? We can’t talk about this because SV was changed and that dead horse needs for flogging. Let’s do something people.

At this point 5% wouldn’t do anything.

this crap of SV starting as a melee spec is pure garbage… it had tools to GET OUT OF MELEE as there was a deadzone. It could SURVIVE in melee long enough to get back out of melee. BM did not function in classic.

This revisionist history crap needs to end, just because you want to pretend something was true doesn’t make it so. BTW EVERYTHING in the SV tree became irrelevant when they removed the deadzone. try it out in classic if they ever release it, spec into SV past the first little bit and see how well you do on a PvP server.


What I said was that it had the history of melee abilities, not that it was melee. Heck, I have even said that one would have to be kidding themselves to think that Melee Hunters were a viable option before 7.0.

Yeah alot of garbage talk is all it is. I was rank 11 pvp classic and have played hunter since classic. Survival was only used to get out of dead zone. Was also semi useful to finish of the rhokdelar quests for the bow and quiver.


Bm is laughable; it as become the hit me and call me Susan, but You right about MM; they systematically Nerf it, their burst is Phrr, and SV is a developers Melee made class meaning wasn’t supposed to be, compare to natural born melee classes… SV are like middle weight boxers, that somehow think by gaining a few pounds all the sudden can compete in the Heavy Weight Division…


Love my MM, but as many have mentioned something has to be done about the cast time of Aimed shot. If Robin Hood or Legolas took that time to fire an arrow, well we all know what would happen there.

It’s not just the cast time. Lock n Load procs are hideously low for me too. What I’ve found extremely disconcerting is having that aimed shot hit for auto-shot damage. I don’t understand how one shot can have such wildly varying numbers!

I’ve seen aimed shots crit for ungodly high numbers, but those are few and far between. I’ve also seen them hit, repeatedly, for about what auto-shot hits. I understand it’s RNG, and that your crit stats effect things but there really needs to be a more standardized window. It’s disheartening to invest 3+ seconds (likely with something wailing on you, and if it’s not interrupted with a knock back) into a shot only to have it hit kitten hard.

For a pure dps class, it’s an injustice and a shame. I still play it because I love the MM playstyle, but damn, it feels bad man.

I just returned to the game after a relatively long break for 8.2, but I have played and main’ed a hunter for almost a decade. I absolutely hate some of the changes made and hate the state our class is in. For the first time ever, I’ll be swapping to a resto sham for 8.2.

They pretty much gutted everything I loved about the class.

Let me be real here: Forcing an entire spec like SV to be melee only, is the kind of thing people who don’t main the class would be ecstatic to see in a lot of cases.

Also, what the blipping hell happened to MM? They virtually destroyed it.


they destroyed mm, and destroyed ranged survival and then converted it to melee.


after WOTLK when we lost the use of multiple abilities, traps, trap shooter, aspects, melee and range… The amount of toolkit and the ability to get better back in WOTLK was amazing.


I agree but what would make it more enjoyable is if you can have dual one handed swords I mean they can equip 2 one handed swords anyways so why not make it possible to do so while still being able to use the skills as if your wielding a 2 handed weapon of course that’s my opinion

This thread is 2 years old, you must have gone Necrolord on your rogue huh?


yeah I realize it’s old But I just thought if I made a suggestion some one might answer

Actually my rogue is Kirian my deathnight is Necrolord

OP post is why my name is what it is