Current Decline of the Shaman Class in SoD - Result of overnerfs or something else?

Calling out others for childish behavior on a video game forum while acting like a childish troll is pure irony

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They need to fix the shaman scaling. Shamans just cannot scale in the current version of SoD and will fall off unless they give them new runes.

bottom teir? they hit #1 in dps all the time, just not as much as boomie now

the most recent dps rankings from wowhead was 28 days ago in the bwl launch week and it had ele very low and enh about 5th or 6th.

but i do believe theyve gone lower by quite a bit now as other classes scale more than enh and ele.

ill have to surf through the site to see the rankings to be sure but ya.

ele was way way low.

first enh is 437 doing 1373.7 dps in what looks like a spec with the zg trinket that increases lightning shield damage.

so ya .

top 6 are warrior 3 locks then another warrior and a balance druid.

but whatever right?

Nerf warriors buff shamans.

Or just stop crying.

So good, all these shaman that have been at the top for 4 phases suddenly flood to the forums to cry. Never seen so many tears.

This is the consequence of 1 class being top all of sod, and the players believing thats how they should remain.


Far from the truth. If all classes were about 500 dps from each other, that is fine. But Shamans do not scale. They were OP because the Devs buffed their damage to be above normal values. Everyone else scales with gear except Shamans and some extent Paladins.

Paladins are only viable because they can seal weave. If they fix Seal Weaving, which is a bug and should be fixed, Ret Paladins will fall off from being #3 DPS to where Enh is as that is a lot of free damage from something that is not suppose to be happening.

The goal is make everyone good in SoD. Not make classes not good. The issue with Shamans is they are good only in PvE as a class. PvP, Elemental is doing OK, but not going to kill you like Boomies or Ret Paladins or SPriests or even Warlocks/Rogues.

Play a Shaman at end game and you will see they have a lot of issues for PvP. #1 issue with Shamans in PvP and PvE is they have no CD that is under 1 min long like every other class or have more than 1 CD ability that is above 2 min.

Example: Wolves is a 3 min cd. Ele Mastery is a 3 min cd. Nature Swift is a 3 min CD. They have a 1 min CD mana regen and damage reduction ability. They have no CC in their kits besides slows and 1 root if you take Fire, 
 Rune for your back that has only a 12 yard radius after you max a 2/2 talent to increase the range by 50%, otherwise EB totem has a 9yd range which is just wide enough to not be hit by a melee attack as we all know classic mechanics are still in SoD meaning if you are moving, your actual Attack Range is significantly larger than it should be.

Elemental Shamans have to hard cast all their abilities. If you interrupt a healing or nature attack like CL or LB, you also lock them out of totems. Do you know what its like to not be able to press any abilities for a lock out? It is basically a silence built into the class.

Remember, in Classic, CC’s have huge durations, Poly is a 40+ second duration, same for Sap, Rogue Stun Locks can last 8-10 seconds and Blind can last another 10 seconds, which allows Rogues to restealth from being out of combat and do the same 8-10 second stun again which is why rogues are kings of 1v1 besides vs paladins.

Boomies have a 3 second stun attached to a 6 sec CD instant cast, starfall that is dealing 100 damage per .5 seconds to multiple targets with dots from other instant casts and you cannot outdamage them in BGs with the damage reduction nerfs. Boomies with full CDs kill 3-4 people in 6-10 seconds and you cannot stop it.

SoD is just in a bad state. PvP is really bad, PvE is starting to return to classic WoW which Rogues and Warriors are BiS DPS and everyone else is garbage.

If the game continues to favor scaling classes like Rogues, Warriors, Hunters, people will stop playing the game. Buffing Shamans now is about keeping them viable in future phases. Otherwise, Shamans will stop playing, thus you remove an entire class from the end game of a game. Why should I play a class that will fall even further down the DPS charts? People in WoW are known as elitist jerks that take only the top DPS and will start using gear scores and class picks.

Name a single class that has had more changes to their base abilities than Shamans? EB was nerfed by 75% because DW shamans ran it for the huge flat AP. Shamans cannot even benefit from their own totems that give imbues to everyone else. Can you imagine having a class that cannot benefit from their own abilities that they give to others? You cannot have WF on and use WF totem to get more WF procs. It doesn’t work that way. You cannot give yourself WF and use Flametongue Totem to proc fire damage, it does not work. No other class has this mechanic to their utilities in this game.

Agree that all classes should scale equally with gear including shaman, unfortunately this team isnincapable of incremental changes so we would end up with “we thought a good adjustment was tripling the scaling of everything” one phase then "we nerfed everything by 85% 3 months into this being an issue

Didnt see you calling out for buffs to other classes when shamans were at the top

actually several people , including myself, have asked for mage buffs and even warrior buffs in pvp especially for quite a while .

it just gets lost in the trash of this forum as people only have time for posts to nerf shaman or whatever.

Yeah people can read post history my friend. We arent all low iq like you

As a non-pvper here, the nerfs to Enh shaman really hurt. I went from being “Alright, I’m having fun and I’m not getting completely mauled by mobs, woo hoo!” to mobs going “Lol, stop tickling me or else I’m going to destroy your face very quickly!”

Maelstrom weapon nerf (Healing wave)
Earth Shield nerf
Riptide nerf
Mental Dex nerf (changed recently)

But yet, people are still shouting from the roof tops that we’re still these OP beings that need to be nerfed even more. At this point, they may as well just delete the class from the game.

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Sod has been about 87± 1k. With more players not raiding on ab weekend. Cata has less players than sod.

Every day i watch ziqo PvP with his Shaman he is laughing so hard and flat out saying how broken Ele/tank hybrid specc is while he is tanking 3 classes and slowly killing them. To all shamans here that still complain, just go watch how insane it is? they are used to having the ability to tank 3 enemies while at the same time constantly proccing overload and instant heal, and now the constant proccs and the insta healing has been normalized.

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None of these nerf impact your damage though. You’ve only been nerfed on you ability to top yourself to full life every 10 sec with an instant free cast. It was clearly OP and had to be nerfed.

They used to be able to tank 3 players whilst destroying them in 5 seconds so you understand that now that they have to choose between survivabilty, damage and heal, they feel nerfed.

The problem with pvp tournaments around dueling also is, there are also RANDOM rules that simply don’t exist in actual pvp. Like X spec can’t be played unless Y talent is picked. Also it’s a duel. So most players aren’t spaced to optimize dueling builds when in the majority of PvP. In a dueling tournament you can optimize every fight because you know every single encounter is a 1v1.

A damage nerf I can live with, but they over-nerfed our survivability. I can see MW into Healing Wave being OP in PvP, but it was fine in PvE and I wish they separated the two (remove MW period for PvP but keep for PvE).

Plus, even in PvP, aren’t there classes that can healing down by half? Warriors have MS, Rogues have poison?

Have you played P2 as an enhance ? No way they bring it back.

The only time you’d need that apart from PvP is during leveling or solo farm and you already have so many option to be tanky there’s just no point.
I don’t think you’re being honest here. The only reason you’d ask for enhance pre-nerf currently would be to get back your PvP Godmode. It lasted long enough (far too long tbh) so don’t expect to see it back.

Your survivability has not been nerfed at all. You just need to choose now between survivability and damage, like it’s supposed to be.

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heh they only gutted mental dex from having + heal on it, removed hw and ch from the malestrom weapon instant, cut earthshield and riptide healing by a full half, im sure theres more so ect ect.

they havent nerfed our sustain or survivability at all!

wow can people be this silly ?

edit to add:

re read your post and wanted to clarify.

youre talking about the tank/ele spec shaman that is all the rage with you nerf posters ?

ya that does make sacrifices in damage but doesnt really have a choice in the matter due to having to use all the runes that actually make it work.

but if i forgo those runes and that build , my enh still hits like a wet noodle so im not gaining any damage really and am probably losing damage soooo

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Have you played Enh in p4 and p5?

Again, I don’t PvP and will never PvP, it was nice to be able to take on a mob or two without seeing my screen flash red and having to run back to my body and lose my buffs many times.

I don’t think you’re being honest there, “Your survivability hasn’t been nerfed at all”, as an ENHANCEMENT Shaman that’s not a tank, you may not have played the spec recently. I don’t play Ele or Resto or Tank. I’m fine with the damage right now, that’s not the issue, Enh shams don’t have much for defense since the over-nerfs.