Current Decline of the Shaman Class in SoD - Result of overnerfs or something else?

During P2 you could use tank rune/weap enchant and pack max AP that was then converted into +damage AND heal. You basically were a tank, a melee and a heal all at the same time so of course it had to be nerfed. The issue is that it took the devs so long to nerf it that you got used to it and now you feel useless without it when your class still has all those tools. It’s just that you can’t have them all at the same time.

I faced some enhance in BG who could deal as much damage to me as I dealt to them on my paladin. And I’m R13, nearly full T2 and got some of the best end game weapon so I don’t really buy into the wet noodle damage story.
Unless you’re a fresh ding 60 but given how often you post I’d say you’re probably clearing BWL consistently.

Plz give some context here. You’re leveling ? full green gear around level 40 and struggle against normal mobs ? It’s normal for most melee classes. I have a warrior and a rogue lvl 35+ and it’s often a struggle to kill mobs my level. Most probably because they buffed the mobs damage to fit the players who were full bis BFD/Gnomer/ST.

If you are max level and somewhat geared there is no way you struggle against 2 mobs.

At the moment, I’m level 50 on my Enhance Shaman with Sunken Temple gear (w/ST fist weps) and I’m struggling as a leveler in the places I should be leveling at. Whether it be Searing Gorge, Un’Goro, W. Plagues, and I even struggle against some quests in STV still with the Buc Pirates and the Zanzil Elixir mobs.

Now do it on a warrior without any raid gear… I had to grind on green mobs that were so far below me, every time I leveled I had to move to another area.

At that point I would just stop responding.

He is a known troll, but seriously…when they start with the ridiculous claims the discussion is over.

Off you go then.