Current Class Balancing (DPS) 10/30/24

I was curious how the current balancing might be in 3s and shuffle and took a look at the ladder. I did split classes with melee and range dps specs into single entries for obvious reasons.

ONLY DPS!!! I combined NA and EU ladders.


Class/Spec Per mille (‰) Count 2400+ Count 1000+
Feral 17.70 43 2429
Ele 15.61 18 1153
Rogue 11.64 28 2406
Enha 11.49 6 522
SV 10.79 6 556
Hunter (w/o SV) 8.80 25 2841
Priest 7.78 18 2313
Mage 6.97 18 2584
Lock 5.25 19 3620
Evoker 3.82 5 1310
DK 3.6 11 3053
Monk 3.45 5 1451
Pala 3.36 5 1486
Boomy 2.51 2 796
DH 2.43 2 824
Warrior 1.44 5 3470


Class/Spec Per mille (‰) Count 2400+ Count 1000+
Ele 10.06 47 4673
Enha 9.74 27 2772
Priest 8.44 63 7466
Lock 5.42 78 14382
Feral 5.15 47 9122
Hunter (w/o SV) 5.09 83 16311
Evoker 4.03 21 5214
Boomy 3.60 11 3053
Rogue 3.31 41 12403
SV 2.60 8 3080
Warrior 2.27 37 16281
Mage 2.12 26 12255
Pala 1.42 14 9825
Monk 1.29 14 10823
DH 1.01 6 5960
DK 0.70 9 12786

Overall strength based on the ladder:

Class/Spec 3s RSS Points
Ele 2 1 14.5
Enha 4 2 13
Feral 1 5 13
Priest 7 3 11
Hunter (w/o SV) 6 6 10
Rogue 3 9 10
Lock 9 4 9.5
SV 5 10 8.5
Evoker 10 7 7.5
Mage 8 12 6
Boomy 14 8 5
Pala 13 13 3
Monk 12 14 3
Warrior 16 11 2.5
DK 11 16 2.5
DH 15 15 1

You buffed Warrior, Boomy, Ret and Mage I think lately, which is fine based on the ladders. You also nerfed Ele, Shadow (slightly), Hunter (w/o SV) and Rogue (Sub) which is also fine.

But what we are missing are Feral nerfs (!!!) and buffs to WW, DK and especially DH! I can’t exactly tell you how to buff them. DH and DK probably better defense and more pressure with higher ST dmg, WW needs more uptime and harder hitting burst (RSK+FoF buffs)!

Thank you for your time.


Love seeing the 3 people holding up the enh shuffle ladder stats with 20+ toons


Please remember, that it is NA and EU ladders combined! But yes, for barely played specs and classes, there is of course a significantly higher error rate.

Nevertheless, it should be mentioned that there are 18 chars from 5 different accounts on 2400+ for the NA Enha and 8 different accounts for 9 Enha in EU. So even when there is a deviation, there is no denying that Enha is doing pretty well right now!

healers again seen as not even human by DPS players smh


interesting analysis and I would lowkey like to see one for healers too

I’m surprised to see enh so high. I have been unimpressed by the ones I have faced so far in terms of how much of a threat they posed.


I am sorry, I just wasn’t as curious about the healer ranking. Doesn’t mean I wouldn’t appreciate every player who enjoys to heal, especially in shuffle. :+1:

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I’m joking, don’t worry about it, see the edits

Cool analysis, I’m just jelly

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What is promille?

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Hey friend.

Promille = per mille. Means x per thousand → . Take Feral in 3s for example. Out of 1000 Ferals above 1000 rating, 17.7 managed to reach 2400+ rating.

I did edit the tables though. Thank you! :+1:


That’s a no from me dawg

Warrior so OP!!!

You might don’t like them, but don’t they also deserve to be a viable choice? I am not saying they should buff them to S tier, but the bottom 3-4 specs definitely need some love and when one thing is very obvious, then that Feral need nerfs!!

That is probably why they got buffs. But they forgot some specs to buff and some specs to nerf! :wink:


Which one is frost dk and which one is unholy because unholy is clearly better.

DH doesn’t need more defense, I don’t really die that often. We just need more damage, it’s so hard to close out games when blade dance hits for 1/12th of people’s HP.


Nerf feral, buff boomy defensives (the recent pve buffs and talent changes didnt effect pvp and resulted in a 2% st nerf to pvp), buff dh and dk damage, nerf bm damage, nerf sp damage OR survivability and the game is good.

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Hello friend.

Have we forgotten Ret and Monk? :wink: Monk is with 3.45‰ chance to reach 2400+ in 3s on the level of DK and Ret. In RSS it is even the 3rd worst DPS class, behind Ret and just a tiny bit better than DH.

About DK, I also think that their main issue is not only their overnerfed dmg but their missing defense versus the meta specs like Feral, BM, etc.

if u look at xeeks ratings and petkicks ratings on 3s and shuffle ladder, they are both equally below mid right now.

Sorry, you want spriest’s survivability further nerfed after Void Leech was just halved into pad irrelevance, and it still has negative mobility?

Things have to have tradeoffs. Shadow has to literally facetank everything because it can’t kite whatsoever.


Possible hot take, but most things are viable to various ratings. We’ll never know though because no more than 2-3 people ever consistently main their classes / specs.

If Bigdam & Saul didn’t exist, the idea would be that enhance is unplayable, but it isn’t.


Comparing top level awc players to the average playerbase is a poor choice imo. Obviously enhance is very strong rn but historically it would have lower average ratings compared to other specs. I think blizz should balance somewhat around the average player and make sure top level performance isn’t extremely overbearing if skill ceiling means it’s op

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Hello friend.

Various ratings is not equal to top ratings and that is what we are talking about because that is where we can see how good / viable a spec really is.

For example, there were seasons where Sub Rogue was well below average on ratings up to 2000, but its distribution increased massively the higher you got from the ratings.

So would you say that it needed buffs because it was obviously not to master for the majority of players? Or rather nerfs because the spec was so dominant on top ratings that there were hardly any viable comps without it?

We have 8 different Enha players at 2400+ in EU and in NA we still have 5. And while it’s true that those 5 players have pushed 18 chars to 2400+, it still has value, because if they can repeat the same feat multiple times, that rules out serendipity!!!

Also, top players of other classes have various alts from their main class. So we should expect a multiple distribution more often, shouldn’t we? But as mentioned before, less played classes and specs naturally have a higher error rate. Nevertheless, Enha will still be above average at the moment!

That would force top players into 5 specs. Sounds like a terrible balancing to me! They simple should start to make design changes, rather simply buffing/nerfing damage and healing all the time.

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