Currencies: What is, is not, and should be account wide

This has already been discussed to an extent, but I want to take it a different direction.

There are a number of currencies in the game that should be account wide. Some already are, to quote the other thread - Items that should be included to the Currency Tab and the Toy Box! - but some others should be added to the list.

  • Timewarped Badges
  • Reroll coins from previous expansions
  • Anima
  • Prismatic Manapearls
  • Curious Coins
  • Order Hall Resources
  • Apexis Crystals
  • Garrison Resources
  • and most other previous expansion related currencies…

Other currencies should NOT be account wide:

  • Conquest Points
  • Honor Points
  • Valor Points
  • Soul Ash & Cinders

Other items should be added to the currency tab:

  • Marks of Honor
  • Polished Pet Charms
  • Trial of Style Tokens
    (PPC and MoH’s are currently account wide and should stay that way. ToS tokens should be too, but they really don’t do much. Would love to see more stuff available for this

Notice how the non-tradable currencies are ones tied to CURRENT player power. That’s fine to me. Grind on the alt if you want the gear. I’m ok with that. The rest are used to purchase QoL or cosmetic upgrades and I see no reason for them not being tradeable.

Be sure to let me know if I missed any!


I’ve been planning to make a post on what to make account-wide on a much broader spectrum than just currencies, but that’ll be for another time… some observations:

So Timewarped badges are kind of funky in how they exist… making them account-wide would have some awkward side-effects. The 500TWB quest you get once per timewalking event would allow you to very rapidly earn 500TWB on each alt to funnel them straight to your main, both giving us a quick way to farm them but also make some people feel as if they are required to have tons of alts if they want to earn a new reward quickly. A solution could be to make the once-per-event quest only available once per account, but… that would also feel really bad.

It depends a bit on what the philosophy of timewarped badges is, and I will get back into this a bit further down.

These are currently also capped at 10 or 20, which would make it a little pointless to make them account-wide as you would still have to restock them every now and then, using (what is proposed here) other account-wide resources. Solution: remove the cap. Capped currencies serve a purpose, but maybe not so much in this context.

Anima is effectively already account-wide in that you can send it to alts, but it would be nice to formalise it.

So, back to the philosophy of currencies. All these old currencies (with some exceptions I’m sure) no longer serve any purpose in progressing your character, and instead act as currencies for cosmetics and access to older content (garrison resources). I do agree that this should probably just be account-wide, because it is old content and earning these currencies still take time on all your alts.

But I do not think timewarped badges fits so neatly into this category; timewarped badges are always earned from current content. You can purchase catchup gear for your alts with timewarped badges. Timewalking is not old content, it is old content brought into the current realm. The timewalking vendor pool is always increasing every time they add new timewalking expansions (and hopefully more often than that as well).

That isn’t so say that is an argument against it being account-wide, I’m all for making it account-wide. But it might be worth some more consideration because of the way you earn it, and the way rewards are presented. There will never (hopefully) be more rewards added to your apexis crystal vendors, and while there are exceptions, earning most of these other currencies don’t incentivise you to do the content on all of your alts.

Soul Ash is semi-account wide already, and I think freeing that up to be account wide would actually solve a lot of the issues soul ash currently has (i.e. you might have 100 000 soul ash and nothing to spend it on, farming soul ash on alts is slow and painful, etc).

The capped currencies (conquest, valor) should definitely not be account-wide, though. Alts should not be gearing-machines for your main. I could be sold on the idea of uncapped currencies being shared, however, but I’m neither here to advocate for that nor go against it.


PvP is already pretty dead I dont think we need to be shutting more doors than we open. No reason I shouldnt be able to spend the capped honor I have had for 3 months on something.


I could see the argument for that. My thought process was you may not want to just automatically get a full, or nearly full, PvP honor set on a fresh 60. Takes away a lot of the early grind of getting gear, and it would 100% be the fastest way to reach that ilvl even for PvE players if they have the honor built up


I think if ive earned that much honor to purchase a full set instantly theres no way I am considering PvE at all. Its like a huge amount of honor for a full set.


Even if we added some conversion conquest to honor would be nice too.