Curious... If WoW indeed shut down

What would the people who complain all the time do with all their free time?


Simple. Move on and find another game.


Probably join a new game just to complain about it.


They’d finally be forced to play something else, thus realizing what a waste of time WoW was. An existential crisis would soon follow.

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I think maybe they’d find a face plate that doesn’t so closely match their skin tone that their forum icon looks like some sort of bloated frog person.

Luckily servers are live so we don’t need to worry about such things.


Oh they will join the marvel forums join in and complain about the upcoming Avengers movie, then done with that join the Star Wars Forum, join the hate mongers on there…

Most people would probably find some other game to infect their toxicity into.

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Being completely sincere, I think they’d find things to do to make them happier. I think their mental health, and their overall lives, would significantly improve. This game and all its associated stresses and negatives are very detrimental to many people.

I’d probably just complain about not having anything to complain about.

Hmm… what would the people who complain about complaining do? :thinking:


What im doing right now FFXIV


Don’t worry about them too much. There are lots of things to complain about on the internet.

Have some :doughnut:s and :coffee:.

Complain elsewhere…

There’s hundreds of private server options and at least 20 or more really good ones. People would go to those I’m sure. At this point I’d wager there are just as many if not more private realm players total than there are current retail players. I’m not even subbed to WoW so I guess I wouldn’t care.

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I quit months ago, came back to the forums for April Fools (6 month sub about to expire). I’d hope they’d be like me and find valuable RL things to do instead of grind their life away on a game that’s no longer great and brings them pain.

I was really hoping they’d make an April Fools joke about making the game good again.

I reckon they would still make fun of Bliz after death

I took up international travel since ive stopped playing. Now i just complain to TSA agents and airline forums.

Are you asking this so you can follow them there and complain about their complaining?

I’ve found my time playing wow enjoyable. I’ve seen plenty of games I’ve had fun playing collapse. Never once have I thought my time playing those games to be a waste. Though by their very nature games all games are a waste of time.

If it were that simple wouldn’t they have already left?

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