Curious... If WoW indeed shut down

They would realize that all their complaining was a waste of time, Blizzard didn’t listen anyway and drove the game into the ground.

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I dunno.

The people that have long quit WoW and hang out to do nothing but troll and cause arguments would probably feel quite lost.

But you see Blizzard did listen to people that is why we are where we are now. People asked for the majority of things we have now. You keep insisting that they are not listening but they have…that is why we have LFR, that is why we have flying back, that is why we have “welfare epics” everything we have is a direct result of Blizzard listening to it’s players.

You confuse Blizzard not giving you everything you want with them not listening. They have successfully kept this game running for 15 yrs, sure some of the expansions were not the best but still every year it is the same thing, “Blizzards ruining the game and not listening to us” yet here we are still playing and people are still doomsaying…so much stupidity and so much entitlement.

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People asked for flight to get scrapped? For boring content like warfronts and islands? For extreme emphasis on Mythics and high end raiding?

I must have missed all that.

This is why I meditate and have become a follower of Joe Dispenza

Yes there were quite of few people mostly on PvP servers that wanted it gone.

Yes people wanted more challenging content

You forgot to add “and complain about that game”. :laughing:

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Yes people wanted easy stuff to do

I signed up for FF last week, I played it for a few days and haven’t gone back since. I found it clunky, confusing and frankly a bit dull. Its pretty in the way that Asian games often are, but I just couldn’t get a handle on it. It didn’t grab my heart the way WoW did.

People have said you need to get to higher levels for it to be fun but I got to level 20 and it hadn’t started to be fun yet, and I play for fun. I actually enjoy ESO a lot more than FF. Each to their own, of course.

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Never saw those forum threads. Actually, I never saw anyone support that until Blizzard brought it up for reasons of their own. Mostly, for the dev time savings I’m sure. Smaller worlds seem larger if you’re stuck on the ground.

Probably the same thing as the sanctimonious hall monitors, grieve the loss, then move on.

It would be a dark day for sure.

At this point I’d probably be thankful. Seeing WoW in its current state is actually kinda painful. Best to put it to rest so other things can rise. Someday.


I’d probably play in five D&D games a week instead of just three.

I’ve been playing FFXIV and so far I have no complaints. :woman_shrugging:

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As much as I hate pointless negativity, I hate this assumption that people are just ‘complaining to complain’ because that’s who they are way, way more.

Have you considered that maybe their opinions, like yours’, have merit?


Exactly. People generally don’t complain for no reason even if I don’t agree with them.


You could pretty much use that argument for anything, and it has the added benefit of being immune to any counterargument.

I don’t complain much, but I would just find something else to do w/ my time.

I have a stack of books i never got around to reading, a garage full of projects to finish and a wife who feels it is normal to change room colors ever year or two.

I would miss wow, but I would not have an opportunity to be bored.