Curious About How Active Alliance Is On WrA

Up until recently I played Alliance full time on WrA, and I have never had a problem getting RP Alliance-side. Frankly, I almost preferred it to Horde-side because it was a bit more close-knit. You saw the same people over and over, and you have the opportunity to make a name for yourself in the community, more-so than you do on Horde-side.

I’m presently enjoying Vulpera, but honestly… I wish they were a neutral race like Pandaren, because I’d absolutely be playing it on Alliance-side if it were possible.


WrA-Alliance is lively. I am not sure why folks say it’s dead but you can walk around Stormwind (if you are into city-rp) and find people all over. Sure, mostly in the evenings on the weekdays and pretty much free-game on the weekends. With the latest updates to the game, I think a lot of people have started returning as well.

We have a lot of faction neutral, and alliance side RP events that are advertised a lot through here and on tumblr (mostly where I see it). The community is pretty good overall and having been here for 10 years now, I’ve been pretty happy on both sides of the fence really.

Hope you find what you are looking for. Many guilds are recruiting and such as well. Take care!

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I think like…most Vulpera players wished this, myself included.

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Welcome! I’ve seen a few Tumblrs where people are vehemently trying to argue the idea that WRA-A is dead but honestly it seems more like they’re trying to convince themselves of it. I’ve been to dead RP servers and while Alliance can be quiet at times it’s nowhere near dead. It’s definitely not as busy as MG-A but honestly it’s probably for the best. Alliance has a lot of RP opportunities on WRA and I’ve found the Cathedral District, the park and the Mage Quarter to be the best for RP. Enjoy your time here!


I think the major issue with getting the word out is that the Roleplayers Network, the largest community on the server for RP, is perpetually full, and that’s where a lot of the calendar is from. They have a post on Tumblr as well, but Tumblr’s taken a severe hit to its relevance since that NSFW purge from last year. We need the event calendar to be brought back here to the forums, where it’ll be a tiny bit more visible. But that’s just one old school returning Cata vet’s opinion.

Gwyneth just created a LFRP community for Alliance. You can checked it out at: [A/H] LFRP the In-Game Community

I recently returned to the game and have, so far, found the roleplay on Alliance side to be very good! There aren’t as many people on at any given time when compared to Moon Guard, but the roleplay has been abundant. I have not had any problems drumming up walk-up roleplay either. In fact, all the walk-up RP I’ve encountered so far has led to RP friendships/stories! I have definitely been enjoying time here on Alliance side. :slight_smile:

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The last time I was in Stormwind (a few days ago) I got hit on by 3 different people so I’d say that’s a pretty good indicator of the faction’s liveliness.

Don’t worry we have a troubling amount of jackbutts who will insult you on Alliance too.

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Sorry, I was just testing out alts.


You don’t know what they said to me so you really shouldn’t claim credit here.

I was obviously joking, but it seems your joke wasn’t meant in jest, more in disgust. While that wasn’t clear, it is now. It wasn’t me and I don’t take harassment lightly nor an insinuation that a lighthearted joke was anything more.

Sorry that happened to you.

You are fine! I promise.

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Are you hitting on me?
(Sorry, couldn’t resist.)


I’m suing you both for whiplash.


There will be a shovel involved soon.

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The Cabals clause on internal feuding in very clear.

Yeah? Go ahead and elaborate.

To maintain the appearance that the Cabal exists:

  1. No fighting, Shakira Shakira.

False. Please see me after class.

Eh, eh. Waka waka.