Curbing Griefing: It Needs to Stay Vague

By now, everyone has likely seen the latest big deal in General about folks griefing M+ and getting actioned for it. While everyone in the conversation(s) seems to be demanding (or requesting for those who just took that personally) specific details, Blizz cannot give them to you.

If they define the repeated number it takes to get a ban, then griefers will subtract 1 from their total, and keep doing it without consequence. If they define reckless, then griefers can just remove those options from their skillset and keep doing it without consequence.

People seem to forget there are trolls out there doing this for their own amusement. If you were NOT banned, then you are not the problem and can keep playing how you play. But if you are the sort to brick 10 keys by over pulling packs and then leaving the group mid-fight, you might have something to worry about.

They are not punishing Mythic players. They are punishing Mythic griefers. So keep playing, enjoy your runs, and don’t panic if an emergency comes up. Leaving 1 or 2 keys is not their concern. Leave 15-20 is cause to be worried. #Breathe

Also, for the record, I am posting this using logic, and common sense, not an IO score. I have not run M+ since SL, and while I disagree with most of the Mythic posts, I agree that NO ONE should have to suffer trolls and griefers in ANY content. Unless you flagged for PvP, then it’s fine cause Blizz says that cannot be abused :blue_heart:


Love that gilneas gif. I wish we had more reason to hang out there.


No explanation of a policy needs to be so vague one could come to multiple conflicting conclusions about what it is meant to mean.

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i mean lets be real here punishing the behavior without also addressing the root cause of why it’s suddenly grown from a minor nuisance to a massive problem is just…well idiotic especially when the root cause is so blatantly obvious that it becoming a massive issue was predicted months ago


It’s vague but is it in vogue?

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The behaviour is the root cause. Some people are turds who get their kicks by ruining the fun for other players. They address it by suspending them.

the current design of m+ particularly the rewards for an untimed key vs those of a timed key actively encourages people to leave keys that won’t be timed this is the difference between this season and previous seasons which has brought the issue from a minor nuissance to a massive problem and resulted in blizzard making a complete 180 with their policy in regards to this not addressing that at the same time is only going to result in the bottom falling out of the m+ scene even more then it already has


Yeah, and once the griefers have the real number, they will subtract one and keep doing it. None of us have been banned. We are not the issue, even when we brick keys or have emergencies.

Maybe they will go into more detail once it settles down, then adjust the goal posts slightly, and keep monitoring. Obviously it is an issue, otherwise, there would still be that same list of jerks playing this evening and ruining keys for others.

Yeah but that really isn’t the kind of players they suspended. We can tell by the way blizzard described their action, and also by the fact that people who have been sharing their concerns here on the forums because they play this way did not get suspended.

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as per usual with blizzards systems for handling reports and suspensions we can be 100% assured that people just droping failed runs will be getting it to so its best to address the driving factors behind that suddenly becoming a massive issue this season when it was never more then a minor nuisance previously at the same time that penalty’s are being given out for it that way the only people getting a boot to the head are 100% deserving of it.

the trolls have always been present even going as far back as legion season 1, greifers have always been present, the only new aspect is the design actively encouraging bricking keys that won’t be timed this is something that can be controlled on blizzards end and should be…infact if memory serves a big reason in changing the end of dungeon loot format from the multi-chests of legion season 1 was this very thing

you dont speak for everyone, cause its clear from the topics today and the replies on the announcement some do think its vague.

it doesnt matter if they are only banning the 0.001% of griefers. their wording and how vague they were affects public perception and public perception is all that matters

if the public perception is that its vague, they need to address it because despite what the trolls on the forums keep shouting like the OP here, most players dont want to be arbitrarily banned

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I’d go so far as to say that it’d be a good thing if that is what they are doing. But, right now it’s simply unclear, which is frustrating because it could’ve been extremely clear but was instead not.

But we should have to suffer bad players who don’t interrupt, lower damage than the tanks, people who don’t dispel, etc?


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If you leave Mythic groups often enough that you’re not sure if this could affect you then you’re likely part of the problem…

“Hurrr durrr lets be super duper booper secret so people can’t “game” the suspensions!”

“Lets all be the Secret Police now”

How about just hire moderators for the game so all these idiotic issues can be laid to rest.

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Sorry Drac, i’m sur eyou’re a nice guy and going with good intentions but I dont agree that suddenly taking a stand on this “issue” without fixing the underlying reasons people leave keys and then leaving the slate “vague” creates a chilling effect.

Blizz already has a horrible track record with falsely banning and suspending people in their games already due to their automated nature.
As a paying customer, I expect more clarity on this. And i want actual blue text saying that they’re not disallowing people to leave keys who do so b/c they’re not going to be timed or the team thats doing the encounter doesn’t know the mechanics.

Thts why i leave keys. And yes, there are days where I’ve focused on getting one particdular key timed and it takes me multiple groups in a single day to get it done. I"ve had my fair share of mad players at me for doing this but I’m not here to teach them the place–if they’re doing a 10, they should alreadyu know it and I am not alone in that expectation.


That is a completely different issue. Not sure Blizz can ban Mouthbreathers… otherwise there are 4 or 5 Human, Orc, and Blood Elves on this very site that would not exist anymore. You are not one of them.

except that makes no sense because a lot of people who do many many keys will naturally have more leaves AND completions.


So what is this “underlying” issue?