C'thun Needs Another Chance

Can’t resurrect something that’s still alive :upside_down_face:

You mean Y’shaarj? Who was ripped out of the planet and created the Well of Eternity, aka Azerite Puddle 1.0?

It’s possibly still alive on one of Azeroth’s moons being all creepy and purple all over it. The Titans might have been too distracted by Azeroth almost bleeding to death to properly make sure they killed him.

I’m waiting for that fifth old god to show its faces.

She already has, and she looks really knife! Sharp dresser!

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Agreed. Bring back the eyeball lord.

Yeah but I want to see her true beauty, her real form what with all the eyes and mouths and what not.

I prefer the original C’thun lore where he killed a Titan but was beaten to the point he was considered dead, only to build up his force again to launch an attack to over take Kalimdor, barely pushed back by the full might of the Kaldorei and Dragonflights. Then his forces were slowly spreading through the lands.

Remember in vanilla/classic where the Silithid first popped up in the Barrens, then in Tanaris, Un’Goro, Silithus, then finally discovering they were C’thun’s forces?

C’thun definitely has a lot more influence and lore than Yogg-saron imo

Y’shaarj is known now as… Elune?