C'thun Needs Another Chance

C’thun is that one Old God added to the game before actual lore was a thing. No dialog, no narrative, no nothing. We just go in, ROFLstomp him and he quietly accepts his fate without muttering a single word.

Resurrect C’thun and bring him back to the spotlight!

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Those generic lines are not said during the fight.

He just whispers it to us inside Ahn Qiraj at random.

well maybe he really wanted to but we weren’t fighting the part of him with a mouth :c

Edit: …how unfortunate

C’thun has several mouths shaped like… Welp.


I liked C’thun a lot. Always thought he was interesting, even if we saw him the least. Kind of a shame he was a vanilla boss and didn’t come out later when things were better developed. He was probably just being shy! :zipper_mouth_face:

“Mathematically impossible.”

He returned… it’s just he was another victim of “lore Blizzard decided shouldn’t be in the game and you should need to buy outside material to learn about.”

He didn’t.

That was just Cho’gall tapping on his corpse and trying to resurrect C’thun. But he stayed dead all the time.

Look at those poor lifeless eyes… He didn’t deserve that!

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Y’shaarj was dead yet still played a massive role in pandaland. My point was he wasn’t forgotten about after AQ, just forgotten to actually be put in-game.

Mortis, just because you wear tentacles as a fashion statement doesn’t mean you have to go full tentacle sympathizer.

He will get another chance… when the proper phase in Classic comes out :wink:

Except that’s not another chance.

That’s the same chance.

He won’t get any new dialog / model / lore / plan in Classic.

Did we kill him? Or just beat him in submission. I am fuzzy on the lore with the old gods and wonder if a god can truly be killed.

Yes. 99% of the WoW playerbase thinks he is alive because of a Faceless One saying “they don’t live, they don’t die, they’re outside the cycle”.

Though that’s probably referring to the Void Lords.

Blizzard has stated multiple times that C’thun and Yogg are dead. They said it on Blizzcon 2010 and Blizzcon 2017.

C’thun himself is also said to be dead in-game on the quest you loot from him, and he was described as killed in the March Badness blog post.

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To be fair, Alex Afrasiabi (I think I mispelled his name) also said as with all forms of death in WoW, death doesn’t have to be and shouldn’t be considered the end. Essentially, if they wanna bring C’thun out for another round, they totally could. And I support them doing so.

And anyone else.

Like… Kael’thas.

Even Med’an can come back from uncanonness. Jaina’s other brother used to be a non-canon RPG Book thing until BfA made him canon. In fact, Metzen himself had said he wasn’t canon before lol

Curse you, #NoChanges community!!!

raises fist at launcher

I thought only Ysharrj was dead-dead, because he ripped apart the planet when he died. C’Thun was only ‘defeated’ without being dead-dead or wouldn’t he do the same thing?

C’thun is dead. Dead dead.

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