[CS Lounge]Zereth Mortis Dance Off

Im turning 39 on thursday my self wont realy celebrate till the weekend but im seeing love and thunder on friday nite.


I got a big grey biker beard and I shave my head. Haven’t paid full price for a movie for a long time. But I do like being official, and I like to eat at Golden Corral


OK. I wont spoil it for you Thorsday afternoon then after I get home from seeing it.

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I already know the 2 PCS and i like spoilers but shush sweety spoilers.

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I guess we should start calling you River Song then…lol

Excuse me thats professor river song now wheres that doctor gota prevent another emergency or stop the weeping angels.

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What was that Melody Pond?

So you named ur daughter after your daughter huh howd that work out if u blink ull be with rory no matter what.

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Well, that was a fun night. Stayed up all night learning Adobe Animate. Apparently Adobe rebranded Flash into Adobe Animate. I didn’t know that, I thought Flash was dead. I’m an old Futuresplash/Flash animator, so it didn’t take me too long to get the hang of things. I picked up a job to animate a business logo so this is gonna help quite a bit. I got about 6 jobs from this client lined up, so looks like Summer is gonna be great for me.


I didn’t realize we share a birthday, Darthwraith. Maybe I did and just spaced it. :smiley:

Happy almost birthday!



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