[CS Lounge] Winter Veil Cheer - Cozy Up with Hot Cocoa

The conjuring story’s were absolutely incredible. The Annabelle doll still exists in its cage. The cage is still blessed every week.

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He swears the doll moves on its own. Happy to sell it.

*Punts onions for several field goals*

Yech. Onions.

*Angry OG He-Man monster shrieks*

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How’s everyone doing tonight? My machine at work has been having a lot of issues so I’m waiting on maintenance for like the fourth time tonight. :upside_down_face:


m a little dinged up again latly :slightly_smiling_face:lol even typing this is a it exhausting for me right now part of that health condition i talked about before in the past but overall getting much better


Yesterday had some “exciting” moments. Our system went down about an hour into the day, so we couldn’t get any work done for a bit. It took them somewhere around three hours to find the issue, then about ten minutes to get it working again.

It’s a bit warmer than the forecast predicted. It’s not warm, but without any wind, it’s walkable. Looks like the next week or so is going to be much more tolerable - highs in the 20s - low 30s, lows in the upper teens.


/tidies up the CS Lounge, adds fresh logs to the fire, fluff’s up the cushions on the couch, places fresh coffee, tea, hot cocoa, soft drink, juices, water, waffles, bacon and eggs, pancakes, cereal, deviled eggs, mini pies, chips, dips for the chips, and biscuits on the table for everyone.

/runs back to go play ED.


Been a while since I popped into the lounge. Hope everyone is doing well!
I got a season ticket to the local broadway tour so I’ve been getting all sorts of Culture :nerd_face:



I’m just letting folks know first off, I’m alright. At work at the moment, well, as much work as I can make it be at the moment.

I’m working on getting my brain sorted. I’m probably going to be quiet until then.

I know some brought up that retrospectively unfortunate thread I posted. Yes, I was annoyed, but it was a snapping point after a number of things. Lots of isolation, my meds that I have to take if I want to keep on kicking being moved to some provider I never heard of, and the person I talked to insisting that I or my caretakers initiated the move, (We didn’t, in fact we received no warning that it was changed, it’s good we caught it because I would be without my meds and not knowing where, exactly, they went) and me trying to beat back decades of regret, bad decisions, alcohol abuse and the aftermath of the transplant on a daily basis.

That and, well, just not thinking very highly of myself. I’m really not too sure what to do with that.

I will admit I lost it, and I’m sorry.

I’ll be around in game and browsing the forums, currently leveling an alt, but probably keeping entirely to myself until my head can consistently be in a better place. I know more isolation isn’t exactly a solution to isolation, but if I’m spewing toxic ideas and not able to properly construct what I’m saying, then it’s probably better.

Please take care of yourselves, and enjoy your weekend. Also hi Kalviery, hope you’ve been enjoying the shows.


You mean, like cheese?

Oh, and



I will be over here by the fire snacking! How delightful. I did leave a few deviled eggs this time. Pies are fantastic with coffee so yeah.

:coffee: :egg: :pie:

I am glad to hear that! People do care and do understand that you are going through some tough things. I want you to save what you just wrote and read it again when your brain lies to you :slight_smile: Do what you have to do to be healthy and safe. I don’t engage in much outside my house either, but for different reasons. It is ok to do what works for you. Focus on work, docs, and what is important!

Alive and not frozen yet! Working on house projects + new D4 season and such. Some WoW too of course!

Hope you grabbed a big cup of coffee from the lounge table!


I’m doing good, and hope you are also doing well.


Welcome back never a dull momment around here

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Thanks for the idea…
Had hot Cocoa and chewable brownies for supper last night.
Wife said, ya know I made porkchops and stuffing as well…


We still have snow all over. Though most of it in my backyard is melted. Front yard and neighboring yards are still covered. The roof is still covered as well. Just hoping when that all comes sliding off that nobody is below it.

It has been great seeing all the pics and videos of families out enjoying the snow. For some of the children it is the first time they have seen snow here.

Our youngest granddaughter (6½) had a blast playing in her first snow – doing snow angels and building snowmen. Her older siblings (teenagers) had fun as well playing in it.


Ugh… My partner was watching a video from Gabriel Iglesias about Chocolate Cake, then my partner makes jokes about Chocolate Cake, and now I want some Chocolate Cake


Glad to hear it! In this thread, it’s not just Customer Support… it’s also Friend Support. You take care and reach out whenever you want or need. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Also, as my clip got sniped over from the other thread (yeah, probably didn’t go there, but the thread needed a little lightening)… but here’s the “Argument Clinic”:


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Chocolate cake increases your luck stat by +2. But only eat it when you’re low on HP so you aren’t wasting it. :slight_smile:



I seriously want chocolate cake so bad. And I got no chocolate cake.