[CS LOUNGE] Shadowstepping into the Shadowlands

Muh dude. I had an absolutely horrible day today at work. At one point I slammed my keys on the counter and walked out. Luckily one of my coworkers talked me into coming back.

And to see this screen shot made it all worth it. Major grats to The Little Raid Team that Could man. I am SO happy for you.


Yeah, I am sooo close to exalted with Rajani & Uldum Accord. Just got to slog through a few more dailies or wait for the assaults to reset and I will be done.

I am exalted on every other BFA faction.


Guild member posted the kill video if you would like to watch it. It just all came together on the one pull. Some rng definitely helped in P3, mainly the eye beam and its direction. We just kept getting closer and closer, struggle a bit, and then get closer again. Then, the kill came.


Same. I still need to finish the last two reps in BfA on my main.

Weird. I’ve logged in to my main characters on Bloodhoof in the last couple of weeks but get a 500 error trying to view them on the armory (including Rufflebottom). But characters of players I know haven’t logged into retail in almost a year show on the armory fine.

Looks like I need to log into all my characters on my main account again to update them all. My main is back.

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bleh…having to pay for a transfer AND faction change is a bit much IMO. i may just roll a Hordie on a new server, do what i need and faction change over instead. though i’ve also got stuff done of said character that i wouldn’t mind bringing over with me. :confused:

honestly, if i can get a certain “crafty” water dweller in a certain “imposing” city…THEN i’ll be more than willing to pay for the two services at once. :stuck_out_tongue:

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Monday Monday Monday Ooooo


iz a fez wearing monkey!

also…seeing the same fishing daily 3 days in a row is rather disheartening and frustrating. >.< especially where i’m only two away from getting what i need done, before i can safely transfer over. .-.

Wednesday with a 24 hour turnaround

man, i REALLY need to wake up here. =_= i looked up the digital upgrades for SC II and thought it said $3.62 and thought “…yeah i can afford that. click” then saw “$63.62” as its 15% off, not like 95% off. :rofl:

So the spin class here was banging Fly Like an Eagle in their playlist this morning.
That inspired me to screw with the lyrics.

Fly like a Moonkin
Towards the clay
Fly like a Moonkin
Let me waddle all the way

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Fixed that for you. :stuck_out_tongue:

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Me: there’s gonna be thousands of people in London tonight.
Friend: really? why?
Me: because people live there.


Sooo … yesterday talking to my sister-in-law about some free game I was playing, she mentions Stardew Valley, I’m reminded of Harvest Moon, we’re talking about the Switch, and I discover there’s a special edition Switch. ^_^;; It arrives Wednesday.

I haven’t owned a console since the PS2, though I did have the Wii for my kids back in that era, and of course the handhelds.

The face in the mirror … that’s not called Friend. :wink:


New schedule at work. Eliminated an entire shift, and put people on 4 on 2 off. I will take it. Talked to administrator and worked my nursing schedule out around that as well.


When you talk about work, I always picture your Orc in a kitchen or in scrubs. It
gives me a good chuckle. :smile:


Guns out I hope? Need those muscular guns out for full effect baby.

Also scrub pants are INSANELY comfortable haha. And I don’t wear scrub top. I wear a workout shirt designed to evaporate sweat haha. AC was broken in the kitchen this weekend. The coolest it was in there was 86


Same here!

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Rolled a pally tank this morning and just got my first dungeon done. it went smoothly this time. Last time I tanked a dungeon, the other players was quite toxic and I deleted the character as I was so frustrated.

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