[CS LOUNGE] Shadowstepping into the Shadowlands

Gota grab the bull by the horns and sieze the moment.

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why would i want to do that to a Tauren though, even though i’m a member of the Alliance, i’ve got no…“beef” with them. :stuck_out_tongue:

is there a 3rd rule, or is it some unwritten or unspoken of thing?

3rd rule always blame the dwarves they keep digging themselves a hole goblins are more likly blow us up easier to blame dwarves. Turen rules of survival #5 never blame the goblins.

well that’sh because we’re ushually drunk mosht of the time anyway. …hic!

honestly, i’m hoping BC Classic servers become a thing. i’d love to partake in the original version of Brewfest, before the uh…“changes” brought into effect in previous years.

that and trying to do keg runs on Horde side, with that godawful blockade in the way? yeesh.

I wouldnt mind redong the swift flight form quest now that was epic but not the 5k price tag.

I thought the first rule of Barrens was Chuck Norris jokes


Thats the unspoken rule.

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Many people would argue that it is already too late.

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Or ask how it got cold in the first place.

Or ask why it wasnt turned into coffee cake instead.

Office supply store? I find those stores much better than regular consumer stores for office furniture.

Personally I’d recommend two separate arms instead of a single dual monitor arm. You have a lot more flexibility in monitor placement and adjustments that way, AND you’re not putting 60-70 pounds on a single spot.

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Kittin - not sure where you are in “Upside-Down-Land,” but hopefully you’re alright. I see Melbourne got hit by some really bad storms Thursday.

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very likely was. considering i didn’t get a whole lot of sleep last night, though i managed to snag an extra 3 hours early this morning regardless.

let’s be honest. i have a tendency to forget its sitting next to me. (and i doubt i’m the only one too) :stuck_out_tongue:

i don’t have that kind of power.

i got my computer desk from Staples. pretty decent honestly. doesn’t have the shelves that my old one did, but its got drawers, so that’s always a plus for me honestly.

Wow guess black panther 2 is dead in the water chadwhick boseman died of colon cancer. I guess they could turn it into suri taking over the mantle.

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Wow. 43. That’s just unbelievable.

Good ones are always take too soon he filmed 9 movies while he was battling cancer all the way since 2016
gods of egypt civil war marshall black panther infinity war endgame 21 bridges and da 5 bridges his last one.

oof. phrasing.


I’m in Sydney, thankfully, and all my Melbourne family and friends are ok.

Vale, Chadwick Boseman. You are an amazing actor.


Uh… yikes. But yes, she was being prepped to take over for him in Endgame.


Re: the late, fantastic Mr. Boseman, this has been on repeat practically the last few hours since I found out:
