My overindulgent dinner was hit by Murphy’s Law at every turn it felt like tonight. But now I’m sitting here working on some prosecco and a rather lovely tiramisu that thankfully turned out pretty great to make up for all the fails of the evening.
And here I am looking forward to a new late-night burger at Norm’s. Habanero Jalapeno Bacon Cheese burger. I might take my Carolina Reaper chili powder to spice it up some.
Game rant did a top 10 rated r games conkers bad fur day should have a honorable mention for being rated 17+ especialy for anintendo game just youtube the i cant even mention one of the bosses without violating the coc.
Interesting morning. The snow plow broke down overnight on the side-street across from our house. They took out the power pole when trying to get it out. What is left of the pole is currently being held up by one of the power company’s boom trucks while they wait for the new pole.