[CS Lounge] New Lounge, Same Loungers

Actually, not 3D printed. It is a model kit. The base for it, anyway.

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I got a broken pic box…

Could be because it is hosted on a domain I own, bandwidth issue perhaps. Edited link so it is from my FB post.


Burninatin’ the countryside!


Oh that is so neat. What model is it for?

Ah-ha. The grid layout threw me off.

If you google “AMT Mr Spock” you can see the kit :slight_smile:

That is the base for the kit. Mr. Spock and the hydra snake are still in primer.

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Ant man trailer or ant family seems more apropiate name dropped.

Good night all.



also RIP leslie jordan.


It is indicative of the years I’ve spent hanging out here that I immediately saw graham cracker crust and an area that included some sort of chocolate. I’m not the only one that saw food, right?



Offeres gingerbread cookies halloween themed extra icing since clearly u need more food.

more druid choices would be nice
New Class/Race Combinations

  • Draenei - Rogue
  • Lightforged Draenei - Rogue
  • Orc - Priest
  • Tauren - Mage, Rogue
  • Highmountain Tauren - Mage, Priest, Rogue

Heavens, yes, please. I need more options for druids.

Not to mention that each game account will now be able to have 60 characters instead of 50.

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Why jetsum are a altholic cap limit.

I’m not, but I know people who are.

Pats jetsum on the shoulder its ok buddy its ok.

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Good News! I can use them. I want to try out some of the new race/class combinations.

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And Darth thought I was talkin’ bout me…lol