Seriously, though, we (and the medical staff) are all really happy with her progress. She’s doing PT daily now, and since she’s back “in town,” she gets visitors now, too, which helps with the boredom. I told her I’d be just as bad, without being able to get up and do something. Get bored? Walk around the house a bit.
Looking at one of the threads today reminded me of how really lame the swearing vocabulary of the average WoW player is. Seems like they learned how to swear by watching South Park. Always the same 5 or 6 words.
When I was in the Marines and the typhoons came, we would sometimes retire into a hooch with Typhoon Fiths (3 foot tall bottles of Saki), and have swearing contests.
I knew people who could swear for 3-5 minutes and never use the same word/phrase twice. Some of those folks couldn’t read or write before the Marines taught them how but their vocabulary in this area was exquisite.
The swearing I see in-game just bores me to tears.
i understand the concept of Die Hard being a Christmas movie, as the plot takes place on Christmas so to speak. i actually quite enjoyed it. not enough to make me want to see it again (though i’m typically that way with all movies, save for a few exceptions to the rule) but it was enjoyable regardless.
My latest ‘OMG I’m old’ moment came last week at the convenience store. Sign behind the counter read “You must be born before today’s date in 2001 to buy alcohol”. There are people legally doing shots who hadn’t yet been born when 9/11 happened.
Just watched a bunch of trailers, this one included. A bunch of movies coming out next year that I’m really excited to see. Indy 5, Guardians 3, John Wick: Chapter 4 are three that spring immediately to mind. Oh, and the next Transformers.
Indy gave me all kinds of feels. I want him to go out with a proper bang, not with the bad rap of Crystal Skull being his last hurrah. When those first bars of his title tune started up, I am here for it.