[CS Lounge] It's dangerous to go alone, take this!

You remembered the corn husks, yes?

Oh yeah! :+1:

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I saw a Merdrah on one of my WOW Classic realms yesterday. I can’t assume, though, because I’ve been boggled to run across people with very similar names to ones I come up with. (I have a troll priest in both retail, made in 2006, and classic, named Zeen. Same exact realm, I cross paths with a Zeeni, troll priest. O_O And that’s not the only one that’s not only very similar in name, but matching race/class.)

Definitely not me. There are lots of Merdrahs on the modern servers too. For years too.

it does feel a bit better, though the map can be a bit confusing to figure out at first.

yeah, i read somewhere that she’s similar to the Soldier (Roland) from Borderlands 1, and the Commando (Axton) from Borderlands 2, hence why i switched from playing as Zane to her.

though Zane’s dialog is pretty comical…especially since he has something of an irish/scottish accent(?)

that’s the only reason i want to continue playing…to finish what i started, but due to my Playstation Plus membership expiring and not having the funds, i’m unable to group up with friends. they would typically help me level up, but i think the mobs scale up with you, so there’s very little sense in doing that in BL3. .-.

Call with boss… Can you make a template? I said cool, popped out to one of the office temps houses this morning and let the air out of their tires.


It’s sad. I had to read it a few times for it to sink in.


I did too. The joke isn’t good in text. It needs to be “spoken” correctly.


Am I missing a joke or something for this achievement?


No, I don’t think so. It looks like any achievement listed on the Armory that you haven’t yet earned has a default date of 12/31/1969.

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Suddenly super sleepy… :zzz:

Also, why can I never decide on whether or not I want to be Marks or Survival? Both are way too much fun. :weary:

Note: anyone who suggest Beast Mastery is getting thwapped. I hate BM. :stuck_out_tongue:

Sends Minion #2 after the Flybys

I noticed that the other day for all my unachieved achievements

It’s the Unix epoch date starting point. The same way that the Windows/DOS default starting date is January 1981.


And here I thought that maybe WoW was secretly being tested along side DARPA.

I got my achievement in the Winter of 69. LOL. I wasn’t even born yet.

same here…only it took me the majority of the day to get that pun. >.<

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This is where accents cause me issues. /Témplate/ vs. /templət/…I kept hearing the first cause that’s how I say it.

Ironically, this is similar to how I learned to spell Chocolate. “Coco is late”

Cause everyone says “Chóklit” not “Chok ko lit”


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I say omnomnom.


it’s a sad day when you are eating fresh homemade flour tortillas and you run out of salsa…


Now where did I put my cane!