[CS Lounge] Is it dangerous to go alone into the Shadowlands?

Horde or Alliance? :crazy_face:

Maybe both.
Go headbutt some Orc’s kneecaps off!

I got interested in the heritage armor, upgrading my heirlooms and the new races. Which means many of my alts are no-goes as I used boosts on them in the past. Money which I feel was a waste.

If the grinds for the new races are too long than I won’t bother.

That only applies to Allied Races. You can boost a regular race, do the rep grinds, and race-change to all the races that support that class to get the other heritage armor. It’s expensive, but possible.

Well that helps a bit

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Oh I might buy a virtual concert. They were here last year but it was a day I had to get up early that day AND the next. Sadface cuz I really wanted to go.

I gave someone a suggestion for farming reps earlier.

I read something about not being able to solo old dungeons a while ago. Did that change?

I like the new crafting system, epics at level 14.


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We should be able to solo older dungeons and raids still. I’ve got a guild member in my guild that still runs older raids up to Legion content solo. Even after the Pre-Patch dropped. Some bosses just take a little longer to defeat.

Once we hit Level 60 in Shadowlands, Older dungeons and raids should be a breeze to solo once again. :slight_smile:


Pre patch i was able to do everything but mythic NH hadnt tried TOS or argus but that was becasue it wasnt soloble i think.

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Hey cool. I just need to level a Hordie to 50 and I can unlock Highmountian

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so i imagine, that’s when we should be able to run ourselves through dungeons using alts?

same here. though i may just faction change my Hunter over and do the war front campaign…i find Hunters to be a bit too squishy for my liking. been struggling with quest adds, even WITH a bear pet. my falcon pet gets instakilled 90% of the time, yet its funny.

my pet takes next to no dmg against dungeon elites, yet is in CONSTANT need of healing on non elite quest mobs. :confused:

edit: editing, because i played a bit on my lvl 50 Hunter…whom has yeeted Broken Isle mobs like they’re nothing. (save for one elite raid boss in Suramar.)

dunno if its the gear, or the fact that he’s lvl 50 and the mobs in question are 5 lvls below him…though he also has that Heart of Azeroth. so i’m thinking of trying this again, once i get my other Hunter to lvl 50, get some better gear and the HoA and giving it another run.

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I’ve always had good luck with the Clefthoof pets. Faultline is my go-to tank pet on my Worgen Hunter.

Okay, so evidently the Eternal Black Diamond Ring toy does not shrink down with you when you use Whole Body Shrinka’ toy.

Also, Cap’n Crackers is a little clingy OR he really wants a Shave and a Haircut.


I feel off. Slept in today. That means I was ul at 630. Puppy didn’t start yelping until eldest got up for his morning shower.

Oddly, the sleep gnib kind of threw me off, and I am tired.


anyone ever do Exile’s Rise? is the dungeon suppose to queue you for a role you didn’t select, cause as a Shadow Priest, its queuing me up as a Healer, even though that spec is locked out to me. :confused:

I did it on a shammy, and if I remember correctly, I didn’t have to do any healing. A “tank” is provided. I never really paid attention to healing, so either they provide that, too, or someone else was doing it.

I just checked that character (haven’t played it since I finished Exile’s Reach), but there was no info in Skada/Recount.

All you’ll really need to do is spam Shadow Heal if it comes down to it.

In other news…
I just got my invite to Beta. No biggie, since I never signed up for it; way too much going on for me to run that, too. I might hop on and look around a bit though, since I have it.

Grocery shopping almost done. Stop at store 3 haha

Currently 46(7.7C) and windy as all get out. Pick kiddo up from school in about 10 minutes. Need to run two errands, and then I think it is nap time on the couch. I have earned it. Right?

Please tell me I have earned it.


Storms are coming. A severe watch until 9pm. It’s weirdly warm. 78. It has been in the high 50’s most of the time. It’s going to get a lot colder after it blows through. Not snow though. Not ready for that yet…