[CS Lounge] Is it dangerous to go alone into the Shadowlands?

Oooooooooh. New gift! Looks super cute too.

Thank goodness loged on started reading something wasnt right check my profile showed a classic toon not this guy had a mini heart attack thinking crap there goes my trust nope still have lounge.

I hate these spam filters. stabs


I have to say that the original is still the best.

she’s back to being a redhead

New Curseforge beta by Overwolf has started !

It’s not too bad. At least you can turn off it starting at boot and set it to quit completely when you quit the app. Also overlays are turned off by default.



Didn’t know she was messing with her hair. Or anything else for that matter.

with the new gig she’s been a mentor to me

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I need to motivate te myself. Not working out too well haha.

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I lost my “expensive” metal aircraft snips. Just when I need them to trim some sheet metal bases for my miniatures.

The latest in silly NZ snack foods -

Lamington flavoured potato chips.

Yes you read that right. Imagine making a cinnamon dusting that tastes vaguely like a lamington.

Next add it to plain unsalted potato chips. That’s litterally what it tastes like

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we had donair chips here…they certainly didn’t taste like donairs to me. we also had loaded hotdog flavored chips, those…weren’t half bad honestly. (both if not one of them, might’ve been kettle cooked chips too)

on a lighter note, i noticed a new feature. a little “mail” icon shows up on characters if you’ve got new mail and you haven’t checked it out yet. pretty neat, ngl.

It was in the patch notes, but it was easy to miss.

Auction House and player mail notifications will now show on the character selection screen.


I haz fox now too!!!


a shame Vulpera aren’t on the Alliance. i would’ve loved to have seen a guild of Vulpera and Worgen, let alone a group of them together. (a :cookie: for those that understood the subtle ref there. :wink:)

just working on clearing out candy buckets on my Shammy for the time being. not a fan of the new UI, so i’m using bartender, as that’s as close to the original layout as i’m gonna get…unless there’s one i haven’t seen yet. :confused:

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Yay! Just got the Horseman’s Reins on my EU account.

Two of us in that run got the reins.


I was going to come in and show off my awesome fairy transmog on my vulpera but it doesn’t show up on the character screen or the forum portrait. I guess you will have to imagine her awesomeness.


This is her.

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I have been frying chicken for 3 plus hours. It is good. Really good. However not even the star. My baked beans gonna put these people in a food coma.


So will you when those baked beans get to working! You get to work on the floor now with beans aftereffects. :grin: