[CS Lounge] I will roll, roll through the gates of Torghast

Actually 98 for Legion. Far as I remember the others should still align with their relative level ranges. Granted things could have changed since last I ran someone through, but it hasn’t been that long since I last did.

1-60 = Vanilla zones
58-80 = Outland or Northrend (edited to reflect correct starting level)
80-90 = Cata or MoP
90-100 = WoD
98-110 = Legion
110-120 = BFA

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Feels like i started some of the expansions a few lvls earlier on my void elf eh on a Side note whhhy whhy what does resident evil 8 have to be on ps5 and looks so amazing.

58, at least for Outland

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58 for Northrend, too.


Thanks, I had forgot about that. Thank you both for the correction.


Went to a dentist today for the first time in decades.

Dential insurance is capped for the year now. I have two temp crowns with permanents about three weeks out.


I feel you. I had an old 3/4 crown that fell out the other day due to biting into a Sour Patch Kids that was somehow that hard (apparently the old crown was barely seated anymore due to a cavity forming under it though), and I’m getting a full crown to replace it. …on the day before my birthday.

I’ve got the temp now, and it sucks.

I ripped a crown out with an orange flavored tootsie roll. Dentist did not want to put a new crown in as there was in essence nothing left of the tooth 20 plus years after the crown had been put on.

Instead she went in and removed all fragments of the tooth, in essence a lot of micro fractures to my jaw so that it could heal up and I could consider having an implant put in. I have not done it, and it has been years. As it was a molar almost in the back, meh.

Last night the croc pot chicken turned out delicious. A little BBQ sauce, a little honey and put it on a bun.

Tonight I decided to take some leftovers and put it into a quesadilla. Where has this been all my life?

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When my son was still driving truck he once had breakfast in a café in the middle of nowhere in northern Quebec. The waitress spoke some English, he speaks a little French. He ordered eggs, sausage, bacon, coffee, and orange juice. She asked if he would like toast and he said “yes, wheat”. She looked at him strangely and asked “would four be enough?”


I start CNA (certified nursing assistant) training at work on Monday. Due to the nasties going around, work is allowed to hold their own internal classes. And then I am allowed to work without taking the boards until things turn back to normal. Then I have to go and take my board exams.

Kind of excited. The next 18 days straight after tomorrow, not so much as I still work in the kitchen on weekends. The 60 hour work weeks, not so excited. But the OT pay yo? Yeah really excited about that.


The list of everything announced during the PS5 reveal today… hhhhhhhhhho man.

Right up at the top is the sequel to Horizon: Zero Dawn. It’s about time.

I just wish it would work with PS4 games. If it did, I would probably break tradition and buy upon release, even though we just got the PS4 this past Christmas.

Hopefully PS4 will still get some killer games made for it.

My implant works very well. Your body does have to have the ability to accept a bone implant and the titanium screw that is used for mounting. Plus, it does take a little getting used to the feeling of it in your mouth.

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Just woke up from a food coma. Still no pain.

Sony is still on my…list due to all the money I wasted on a PS4pro.
I’m not likely to buy a CatBox as they haven’t shown any games I care about.

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/steal Minions

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ROFL a Frech pun. If he comes across it again, it’s “blé”. (pronounced blay)

Every time I finish the war campaign… I end up in tears. You’d think by now I’d be used to it, but nope.


Sorry for the double post… but eeeeeee!

I took my Vulpera lock into Firelands. Because, may as well fail at another chance for the egg, yeah?

Yeah. Guess what dropped?


It didn’t drop?




It was her first visit there, too. Thinking I should take her to the Panda raids…