[CS Lounge] I will roll, roll through the gates of Torghast

I have 3lbs of leftover linked sausages and about 3lbs of potatoes, need to get some whole onions and I’ll have something for dinner tomorrow.


I’m expecting something really big to come in tomorrw…I hope. I feel like this right now…


Sigh, love being cursed at while just standing around in Dalaran. Guess some people take offense to my mog. I designed it to be a “shipwreck survivor” look. Suppose that isn’t overtly obvious. Oh well, back to playing out in the open world where hopefully I won’t offend anyone else.

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Some people get too hung up on the nuances. Sorry that happened to you.

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Thanks. Guess some people like to loudly voice their opinions at times.

I’ve had a bank alt cursed at in ORG while she was just doing auctions. The person evidently didn’t like Crackers sitting on my alt’s shoulder. The alt in question has a pirate theme to her and her guild, so having a parrot sitting on her shoulder fit in with that motif. /shrug

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I so want an outfit like AL is wearing in this video…

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…why? 10chars

Dont know about the outfit but those ears are way too big to be natural what did u use goblin ear extension ray on them.

Thankfully, it seems we will be getting customization options in Shadowlands for making our ears smaller.

I was noticing that! Exciting!

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On a brite side all seasons of tell tale the walking dead is now available on steam bought the final season so i can finish it.

“I demand a sky burial”

/me offers a goblin jetpack gaurentees to go up but thats as far as the garentee goes any unexpected splattering is non refundable and in realy realy tiny print all goblins can not be held acountable for stupid buyers buying goblin products if they wanted working products they shouldve gone gnome or go home.

Took me ALL day, but I managed to get to level 10 on my classic hunter.


I dunno why I am up, it’s almost 11:30pm and I SHOULD be in bed, as I got an early day tomorrow. But I still have stuff that needs doing now, and I keep getting distracted with forum shenanigans.

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Its monday right seems like its been a sunday am i right.

W00t, TL3 is back! Finally hit 25k achievement points.

Time for a happy dance!


i’ve been cursed at just for questing in the open world, so i know how you feel. .-.

yes…yes they do. they tend to forget its just a game


every server has their share of players who feel its necessary to prove how much of a spanner they can be.

sadly, Classic isn’t an exception to the rule either.

gnome products blow up when they’re not supposed to. goblin products blow up when they’re SUPPOSED to.

on a side note, got a slight headache approaching. got some coffeh brewing, (should be ready now actually) and working on a Priest character…when i should be trying to settle on ONE character only. :laughing: #AltoholicProblems #Cestlavie


That’s what I always say. Go Gnome or Go Home.

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I haven’t had any issues like that on Classic (yet). Did have an odd encounter the other day on my Gnome Lock (on Grobbulus) though.

Story timeThis other Gnome kept following her around begging to be taken to Goldshire from SW. I explained that it was a straight walk there following the road. He claimed he was too lazy to walk. Still trying to figure out how he thought I would get him there without him walking. /shrug

Then he explained that he would show me a secret place and I would be greatly rewarded. I was afraid he was going to try to show me some kind of exploit, so politely turned him down (repeatedly). I would say goodbye and log off. I would come back a few minutes later and he would find her again. This went on for a while. I kept explaining that I just wanted to find something in the game to help someone. He kept making sure to prevent me from doing that. I finally ended up creating a Human Rogue on a different server just so I could finish what I was trying to do.

Maybe he was trying to RP something. But I thought that the people involved were to be made aware of that & in agreement to it. Perhaps I am mistaken about that and RP just happens and we are expected to go with it (willing or not).

Maybe I need to reroll off of a RP server.

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