[CS LOUNGE] Hoppity Hippity

Hello um…
I kinda need some help to expidite (speed up) an issue, but kinda forgetting how to do that, so like I was in the hospital in february for mental health issues, and, I really dont need added stressors in a game I use to help calm me down.

Whichever employee put some kinda instant-DC magic on my account, please remove that. I dont need some random hostile human telling me to kys in whispers.

I’m trying to avoid getting in trouble. Being in trouble causes me a lot of pain.
I dont need to feel encouraged to… do what I tried earlier this year while trying to calm down.

I try to avoid the taboo topics while living with social deficits denying my social intelligence to know how to “properly” communicate. I dont need to be harassed by people who’re the kind of people who make me … that thing, for how dare I exist, it seems, according to them.

Please remove the power to insta-DC people from my account when I report rulebreaking character names.

I dont want that kind of power, them folks have revenge on their minds and I dont need reminders of how miserable I am from their torment towards my existence.

If you are disconnecting after reporting someone, I would suggest doing a full UI reset (as detailed in Support article linked below) to rule out a misbehaving addon or corrupted UI.

Please note, this is not the same as disabling addons OR doing a /reload of your UI.


Thank you, I shall go read.
I use zero addons.

Edit to add:
I’m not the one disconnecting.
The users I reported did.

Reporting people for language puts them on a temporary ignore list. Perhaps you’re just seeing that?


Ah, I see. That could just be that the reports against them have added up enough to cause them to be removed from the game by Blizzard OR they are just logging out of the game.


Oh no, not a visual on my end only. They rejoined in about a minute and then went all nasty in the chat.

they did DC on their end, according to what I saw in the party frames, and what they said in the instance chat, as well as their words in the whispers.

How would they know to be mad at you for reporting them, unless you explicitly told them you reported them? Don’t do that.


Could be a multitude.

Their whispers alone kept giving me a [Report] option as well as a warning of potentially sensive content.

Every other line of theirs in the whispers was a rule violation.

Are you sure they’re not just tricking you or trying to stress you out further?

Kicking other people offline isn’t a power Blizzard gives individuals.

Anyway I’d put them on ignore and move on. Don’t reply at all.


I’m unfortunately too honest.
They asked.

they were the healer and their lack of being in the group had put our group at a disadvantage in progressing in the dungeon. So I said something, because I was surprised that not only one character got insta dc’d, but two of them.

I’m sorry I am so honest and sensitivity seems to be born into me, and I try to tolerate but I passed out and woke in a hospital, I was out of it for 6 days according to some friends (yes, I feel this information is relevant to my defense).

I was abused as a child to answer every question and always be honest, I was raised in the 80’s when spanking was allowed.

I’m a pretty messed up adult as a result.

I want to do good.
I am expected to report rulebreakers.

[quote=“Tea-cenarion-circle, post:1151, topic:1807556, full:true”]
Are you sure they’re not just tricking you or trying to stress you out further? [/quote] Dont think so, they were actually gone from the dungeon for a minute or two, visually seeing their icon show as offline, immediately upon my submitting of the report. I was not paying attention to their fade out, but I did see them fade-in.

Kicking other people offline isn’t a power Blizzard gives individuals.[/quote]
I hope not but at the speed his icon went into DC mode, had to be an automatic happening upon my clicking of the button when I finalized my report.

Anyway I’d put them on ignore and move on. Don’t reply at all. [/quote]

Done and done. My efforts here are to prevent my account from further access to insta kicking. I cant mentally handle their language into my eyes without negative consequences to myself.

Mental ignoring was a skill I never got. I have to pretend, and that pretending resulted in a blackout earlier this year, holding it all away, and that pressure popped something in my brain.

I’m trying to avoid future damages to my life from the baddie’s intents of revenge.

Sorry, I dont understand the mechanics of the quoting formats in here.

It is in your best interest to NOT interact with anyone that you intend to report. Just right-click and do the report and move on from it. Anything that may happen as a result of that report is entirely up to Blizzard.


Indeed, I did not interact with them after that report.
I said something without malice to the party.
Unaware that the instant before I hit enter to let the party know my shock and unawareness of the insta dc of our random group’s healer, that healer would pop back in to see.

I probably said one more sentence, i forget what, not malice, and left the group. I am ‘slow’ to recognize, when I should back out. My judgement on leaving has always been… out of sync with most everyone else. I’m not sure how to fix this part of me to get any faster, I am much faster than I used to be, but my reaction to not react is not instant, because I care so much so some of this compassion in me lingers to be kind to others, instead of leaving the other people in the group hanging without answers.

I shall be sharing with my friends, because I need some mental support.

In other thoughts…

I wanted to say thank you to the CS group of people who moderate, especially Vrak, Oruly (I forget spellings of special names) they have the sleepy panda icon… and NoBully, and many others, for being so kind to me over these many many years.

If not for that kindness, I dont know where I would be. the real life war within needs all the help I can get. Thank you all for whomever offers kindness. Thank you so much <3

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I think that it may be a bug. Hoping that it is. My Horde Shadow Priest was my only Darkspear Troll.


I’m hoping so as well as it is rather odd to have such a restriction on a cosmetic weapon included in the heritage quest.


I would like to offer a cookie to our centaur friend Vrakthris for his amazing “O.o” on a recent closed thread that was moved here from GD. It made my day.


Cryptkeeper title obtained … glad that grind is over! Just got to decide which character(s) would be the best fit for the title … hmmm.

Though I will have to admit that having one of the Inquisitors say this was funny:


Fun fact its possible but realy rare to hear the northern lights.


Well, that was well timed. Went out to grab the last few things off the clothesline, and as I was headed back inside, I heard a rumble of thunder. And about five minutes later, a little shower, which would have been just enough to get everything damp again.


Every time I see “Maw Walker”,I see a “picture” of my late mom with 5-6 other ladies walking the nearby shopping mall for exercise.

Now that I have seen my good friend Kyzera’s highlighted sentence, I read it as a request to an elderly lady affectionately named…(you guessed it) Maw Walker. :wink:🩷:+1:

I wonder sometimes if the devs saw the similarity when they decided to name it that - entirely appropriate, I hasten to add.

EDITED: To restructure my horrendous sentencing. Sorry!


thread got moved as i was responding :flushed:

someone who can post in GD, go tell that dude that they shouldn’t be using their real name as their btag

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