[CS LOUNGE] Hoppity Hippity

Hey Fuzz, I hope that this properly tags you so that you see this. I didn’t want to derail that other thread, so I thought I would answer you quickly here :wink:

I’ve been a pretty consistent poster in the CS forums for over 10 years. I think even closer to 15 years at this point.

Generally speaking, they look for CS or TS MVPs by looking at players who are knowledgeable, constructive, accurate, willing to learn, build relationships that are constructive with other regulars…things like that. But they also try not to have too many so that we don’t end up drawing threads in green text too.

We are also expected to know and follow the rules as best as possible. That said, we’re not expected to be perfect either. We’re all human (beep-boop) and can make mistakes. It’s just important for us to all to remember to learn from them. You’ll never see me posting that I’m perfect, all-knowing or anything like that. I’m a life-long learner and am happy to be corrected by the many knowledgeable people here in the CS forums of all text colours!

I hope that helps!