[CS Lounge] Holidays in Shadowland

tonite anyways lol.

More of a wendy’s spicy asiago ranch my self.

Had my first McRib today.

Wasn’t impressed. Don’t understand the hype. It tasted like ribs in much the same way a McNugget tastes like chicken.


I don’t ever post in here, really. Maybe once :slightly_smiling_face:

But after logging in and still reading CS after, oh, two hours… my gosh. :hot_face:

Just wanted to offer well-wishes and support to all. Good luck out there, soldiers.


That it does, friend. That it does.


looks for Haylee

yeah, the McDonalds i often went to, sold them once a year. they weren’t too shabby…though i often got them without the onions.

thought i saw a recipe online on how to make your own McRib, and i remembered buying some stuff that was similar to it and tried making a samitch out of it.

think it was better than what Rotten Ronnies sold, but that was years ago, so i don’t remember a whole lot. .-.

I’ve been good Mer, how about you? Good to see you! <3

The hype of the McRib is much like the hype of girl scout cookies. I mean it is good, don’t get me wrong. I will destroy a case, not a box a case, of caramel coconut

It is the mystique with the limited availability. Until you realize you can buy in essence a McRib at Sam’s like 12 for $14 or something like that.

Only about 3 hours of work for me this morning. Kiddo has a Dr appointment I absolutely had to squeeze in. Cranking some things out to help and bouncing.

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It’s a bummer - I don’t get to watch the sunrise on my morning walk anymore, since I start work so early.

Oh, yeah. FINALLY got a job! :partying_face: :partying_face:

Monday: Drive 40 minutes to get hardware. Not ready, have a seat. Laptop, one of two monitors, keyboard, mouse, requisite cables. Get home, start setting it up. Monitor doesn’t connect. Drive 40 minutes back to the office to get it looked at and/or updated. Windows version the company uses doesn’t have the capabilities for additional monitors on this model of laptop (wha…?). So they’re going to set up a different laptop, but I have to come back Tuesday.

Tuesday: Laptop is imaged, let’s test it. Hmm… monitor doesn’t work. Go to where the new office will be once we can work in an office again to pick up another monitor and docking station. After an interminable wait, I get my laptop back with a docking station but no additional monitor. They have to get that ordered (they don’t, really - there’s a ton of monitors available there, they’re just stingy). But not a huge deal, since I have one I can use. Get home, get everything set up, wrong version of MS Office. /headdesk At least they can upgrade that remotely. Finally, at the end of my day, it’s all set up, and I have email. Today I’ll finally get started with training.


stressing over the world

vicariously training Kittin’s children


I think we’re all stressing over the world. I’m glad you let that Haylee creature know she’s not the Queen! I AM!!

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I feel ya, brother.

Probably already know this, but you can get those cookies at Wally-World. Actually, now that I think about it, pretty sure yuou can get them just about everywhere. Keebler makes 'em.

How’s he doing?

I don’t want to say I know. However I can tell you the current price at mine is $1.68 per pack. And I am not allowed to only buy one pack or fights happen. Lol

He is doing better it seems. Can take a month or so to fully clear. However, apparently it can affect personality as well. Yeah we are suffering the personality change. Big time. So talking to doc about that as well.

He needs his wellness before they will refill his Adderall. And he desperately needs that right now haha


There isn’t a Gnome Queen.

Besides, the weight of the gold alone would break her neck.

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All hail the Gnome Queen!!

Go Gnome or go home!


/tar BunnyGnome

I seem to get hit with the Silver-Plated Turkey Shooter quite a lot when I play Rufflebottom. Now I know who’s been doing it.

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WOW!!! First time running MV on Pinkellapie-Bloodhoof(EU). I get Comet, the pet. Not unusual. I’ve gotten that pet a number of times. I’m checking the other items and I can not believe it! Reins of the Astral Cloud Serpent dropped too.



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Thanks. I have it on both my NA and EU accounts now.


You’re welcome.