[CS Lounge] Holidays in Shadowland

bounds Haylee up merd, i offer you a gnome! a peace offering if you will. i can even give you the recipe for gnome sausages, the kind the Horde had for their Brewfest back in late Sept too. :grin:


Shame on you Reg.


hey, those sausages were damn good. and i mean not only were they FREE, but they came with cold brew…and THAT was FREE too! how could my Orc hunter pass up free food and drink? its unnatural honestly. :stuck_out_tongue:


Gno Gnome sausages!! Gnomes are gnot food!!


The non-Queen and her entire entourage are definitely on the menu for my Minions…and there’s nothing Kittin can do about it!

How have you been?


My food allergy won’t let me eat it, but after watching this I want some KFC.

Made the link clickable.


there ya go Gnomerida. :stuck_out_tongue:

just to show that i’ve got a good heart as well.

begins decorating the lounge for Christmas, and sets up separate stockings for the gnomes to nap in

retires to a secret compartment of the pillow fort for the night as he’s got less energy than he originally thought he did

Sigh, stuck in a DC loop. Did full UI reset and moved Kyzera via the automated service but nothing is helping.

Guess no more playing for me tonight.

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Several guildmates and I are getting hit by it right as character select loads in, if that’s your hurdle. Definitely something goin’ on tonight.

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i had issues earlier, where my rogue couldn’t log in, and she was in Darnassus of all places. (she was only lvl 14 at the time, she’s not lvl 17)

needless to say it fixed itself eventually…though i haven’t tried it in the past few mins, mostly cause i’m getting ready to call it a night.

Kyzera had DC’d when she used the Oribos portal in ORG (common occurence unfortunately for her). Usually deleting the Cache and logging back in works to get me on through. But it didn’t this time, so I did the full UI reset (didn’t help), then did the automated service (still didn’t help).

So I assume I am now caught up in whatever connection issues are happening tonight.

I am going to see if tethering to my phone’s data will help. Nope, still no luck.

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Seems they’ve narrowed it down to their authentication servers, via Twitter. Here’s hoping for a timely resolution, but I’m in no rush.

Destiny 2 next-gen update came out today, so I’ll keep myself busy one way or another.

Does definitely make me glad that my raid team learned to not step into the raid the first day, or sometimes even the first week. :stuck_out_tongue:

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First impressions so far are good! I can sprint on console and it actually looks like I’m sprinting, now. No more environment-same-speed-dance-with-weapon animation.

Earls for supper lazy me lol ordered my usualy cajun ckk witha a side of gnome mwa ha ha i mean potato salad and colslaw asked for no colslaw ckn and salad was fine they interepreted as i wanted double potato not even close lol more then i needed.

Fallout 4 is my jam ATM. It’s terrifying how much stuff there is to do in game.

There was A LOT. I recently got the platinum (and subsequent 100% completions) on PS4 and… I just felt a little overwhelmed at times, not gonna lie.

There are some changes from even a month ago in Destiny 2 that I’m gonna need some time to get over, I think. Some welcome, about to see if the cruciblescape has had a much-needed overhaul.

Things seem to have had a marginal improvement, so far.

“Wow is dying”

 ** Login servers go down **
 ** Forums go crazy **



Change this to slow wow servers is more frustrating the no wow servers


I think you’ll find many forumgoers disagree with that statement.

I always go for the McDoubles which are a lot cheaper.