[CS Lounge] Holidays in Shadowland

I know I am a day early, but I would like to take this opportunity, in case I do not get another due to playing SL, to wish all of our forum SFAs and regulars a very Happy Thanksgiving or your religion’s applicable counterpart, as it may be. Though I mostly lurk in the forum, I am thankful for all of the help you guys and gals provide not only myself, but other players and new players as well. Let us all, Alliance and Horde alike, put our swords, spears, and staves down for one day and enjoy ourselves a wholesome meal and partake in the service of sharing!


Guess what lined up?

All the cards. Boogy is GOING HOME TODAY BABY!!!


Just in time to stuff him full of stuffing. :turkey:


I just tried to hold down the like button like Facebook lol. Been there too much these last few days.

Cuz I was going to do prep today, and I work tomorrow, we moving it a day. Prep tomorrow, turkey Friday. But yes just in time to stuff this little turkey with, well everything.


We aren’t having my brother-in-law over for Thanksgiving this year. We both decided it was too risky. We are going to make a BIG doggy bag of leftovers and drop it off at the door of his condo and run away. He doesn’t know yet. It’s about an hour and a half drive but it’s all good. It’s just the people living in the house this year.

He’s 65 and never married. When he comes over here it’s the only home cooked food he gets. He acts like it’s a feast so we feel bad to not have him. Better safe than sorry.

I’m actually level 55. :astonished:


57 on Hemmy. 52 on Kittin. Really enjoying it so far.

I smell like pecan/mesquite smoke…

which is a good thing. :slight_smile:


Well, I managed to hit 59 tonight, perhaps I’ll hit 60 tomorrow evening after dinner.

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This is awesome news and it makes me very happy to hear it :slight_smile: You’re a good father Masta to take such good care of your son.

We’re all rooting for him to start feeling better!




Meh! That was trying too hard.

Are you jelous your not as ghouda at it then me.

woot woot! I hit 60!


That’s even worse.

Boom 60… BTW, this is my new main… Will still be posting here on Mourningg though.


Happy Moonkin Eating Day!

Hello Sweet Lady! I hope you are still enjoying that dance!


Happy Turkey Day to everyone! I miss the visits to Canada where my friends happily had Thanksgiving v 2 for me. With no family obligations (Canada already had Tday) it was a fantastic friendsgiving.

Doing my usual solo thing. I had a turkey in the freezer so am cooking it just for me. A 12 lb bird so not too big. Butternut squash, rosemary roasted potatoes, baby peas, cranberry, gravy, and maybe apple tarts.

Going to have food for a long time + soup stock! I can use up the bags of frozen veggie scraps I have been saving just to make stock out of.

Oh, and the kitties can have some plain turkey maybe.

Enjoying the expansion slowly at my own pace. Fishing, cooking, exploring. Level 55 right now. I hope everyone else is enjoying the expansion and the holiday!


I got back from the store at my work about an hour and a half ago. Got some turkey and mash potatoes that they made in large batches this morning. Still munching on them. Good stuff.


i’m hoping to have some spending money at some point next year to get Shadowlands. for now though, i’ve got Classic to enjoy, so it’ll give me time to get to 60 and attempt some end game content, in hopes of getting into some of the raids, and hopefully Naxx.


Happy Thanksgiving for everyone who celebrates is. I hope everyone is able to enjoy the day while remaining safe.

Happy Thursday for everyone else (except the upside down people, Happy ʎɐpᴉɹℲ), same well wishes go out to you as well. <3