I had to redo the Win10 install on my SSD and I am having a hard time finding a version of the Realtek sound driver that will install everything properly. The audio manager just doesn’t want to work.
I am hoping to make my SSD my main Windows but looks like that might not happen.
The drive itself is great. Plus my motherboard has to have it or something. WoW and other games load so fast. And Windows boots and restarts super fast. It’s just I have lots of issues with Windows 10. I had to reinstall because it wouldn’t update anymore.
Aw man! I have the worst teeth and hoped that eventually, I might just solve it with implants one day. But that sounds terrifying to me so maybe not lol.
Yeah, it is a lot better to just take care of what you got. I remember I had to have a temporary for a couple of weeks and that sucked. I can’t imagine doing the whole implant thing.
Unfortunately hindsight is 20/20 and young me was not a bro when it came to the high maintenance my teeth need because they’re weak. =(
I’m looking at getting a flexi tooth made for my current molar hole though, that should be interesting to see! Not like regular fakies, apparently - they just clip on to your other teeth!
I was unprepared for the M.2 slot. I only did the reading to see that my board had the slot before I bought everything. I forgot to research the slot itself. I didn’t have an eye wear screw driver. Had to use the edge of one of the tools on my Leatherman to tighten the screw. Small twists at a time as it kept slipping out and I was worried about stripping it.
My wife got the type to clip onto your teeth but she said it hurts to put it on and take it off; The way hers clip in is on a groove that is ground on one of her existing tooth and she says the metal in that groove causes pain; Her Dentist said she would get used to it but she refuses to wear it because it’s too painful. I do know she has sensitive and also weak teeth; I buy Sensodyne toothpaste for her.
I have a one TB internal hard drive for OS and other games etc. and I have a 500 GB External hard drive that I have loaded with pictures and videos and what not that I bought a few years back for $59.95. I just looked and they now have one TB for the same price. Also see a 10 TB external for $209.00, Man they sure have came down in price.
I love ordering stuff from Wish. Just ordered like 25 new detail (00) paint brushes for the cost of shipping, along with a Foam Cutter wand, and 20 piece models tree set for next to nothing. Spent like a total of $10 bucks.
This why it may take 1-2 years. Bone growth and gum healing take time. Everyone is different and of course you must be able to actually grow bone, most people can, and you must be able to take the titanium screw without your body rejecting it.