[CS Lounge] Happy holidays

Dude begging for gold on a game forum? Is that what we have come to?

I mean you are asking the man to farm 10 million gold so you can get a mount?

Yeah I know the mount is 5 mil, but I got dibs. :laughing:

The foot is reacting less in the shower and that is a good thing. I am hoping I can stand long enough to shave my head soon. We shall see.

Because I desperately need it. It is not a pretty sight lolol

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i’m curious how much gold one would need for character services, say…a lvl 120 boost and/or possibly a faction change? :stuck_out_tongue:

can’t fault the man for trying. xP

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Well me matey u got the pirate look i say we cut off the foot right hand then u can say u have a wicked right hook to go with the peg leg since reg is a dwarf he can be ur parrot lol.


That made me smile and laugh. Thank you for that sir.


Went to the dentist today. First time in 17 years, give or take. Wasn’t nearly as bad as I imagined it was going to be, only a few cavities. I think my hygienist was more amazed than I was that the news wasn’t a whole lot worse.

I was also surprised how quickly I was able to get in. I made the appointment online Thursday night for an exam, x-rays and cleaning today, then made the appointment for the fillings for next week. I honestly didn’t expect to be seen at all until the new year.


take a few weeks off from Classic, and you tend to forget how rough things were. >.<

trying my hand at a Classic RP server…playing a Tauren Druid this time around. bit rough, considering my main on Westfall has some good bags, but…he’s Alliance, so it would be extremely tricky to get this over to my Horde alt…which would require using two accounts, and the neutral AH, plus being very quick to buy said stuff out, before someone snipes them on me.

just gotta decide what professions to take up now. kinda wanna try my hand at Alchemy, so i can make my own potions, but being able to craft my own gear has always been kinda first priority to me…especially on Classic, where i don’t have ready access to stuff like i do on Standard. .-.


W00t, finally got the “Horde Slayer” title on my Worgen Hunter.

Ended up leading a great party tonight that started working on the CTA for Nazjatar. It was going so well that I just kept going til I got the title done.

Now think I will turn in for the night here in Greymane Manor. Feels good to be home.


Grats finaly got all echoes on my allied mage I should get exalted with proudmore this week either 1 warfront or a daily bonus objective should do it. Please tell me GM name is gargamel or its a guild rank.



Grats to you as well.

My Paladin (Elini) is actually the GM. I kinda inherited the guild. Still not sure why it has the name it does. But no, I don’t have any Smurf related rank names.


Pity but still funny.


One way I do this is by putting up items at a high price (That way then no one will want to buy it) then buy the items on the other account and then put up something on the side that bought again at a high price and the gold will go back to the account you want it to. The only setback to this is you will lose the cut the AH takes.

Weird but happy dream tonight…and I ended up being late to work.

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goodnite all.

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I just muted all those threads. Not worth the attention.


Any of you guys roll a classic horde toon on Myzrael? I got a tauren shammy that needs a home.

got a hug from a professor i’ve had a crush on for the last 6 years. :blush:


that’s one effective way…pity i don’t have gold on Classic, let alone a secondary active account. :3

i’ve got Horde toons on Azuremyst and Bloodsails, as Pagle and Westfall are nearly full with my Alliance toons.

i’m gonna try to keep them all on one server, so in the event i get something i can use on an alt, i can just send it to them.

also useful, if i end up taking say Leatherworking, then i can craft gear for my Druid alt. :stuck_out_tongue:

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Major grats. I think in recent times, Alliance Slayer is my favorite. I don’t usually run around in groups. A lot of my open world play is solo, so there is not a lot of support when you marked as an assassin. I had gotten up to 7 kills the first time. Never replicated it.

Then I was doing a CTA in Mech, much like you in Nazjatar and had completed it but we were still fighting. Quest popped up. Don’t mind if I do.

Right as I got the 10th kill and hit turn in I died. I was like noo oh achievement popped I’m good haha.


You know that she’s an Empty Nester when a mother sends her kid luggage for Christmas.

I have a big R2D2 hard shell bag that I can’t use for some time.

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what a way to start the day…