(CS LOUNGE):Happy Halloween

Time experiment Friday, November 16, 2018 3:00 AM TZ

Neat! When replying there’s a little toolbar above your post. On it go into the cogwheel -> Insert Date. Using this you can insert a date/time and make it so when you mouse over it the tooltip gives the time in particular timezones :smiley:

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It has been a long year…but a better one. I did three separate performances for the theatre group, now I take some time off. Was going to write for a Star Trek PBEM group…group manager turned out to be a drama llama so that went bye bye.

By and large, a good year…its strange to realise how fast time goes…and with it, I am pleased to note, healing. It still hurts as it always will, but easier to manage now.

Look to tomorrow. Thats how I live now.

One day at a time.


The new forums are definitely going to take some getting used to. I think I’ve already come to terms with the absence of pages, but the fact that, when in a topic, the page seems to be bottomless bothers me a bit (if you auto-scroll without paying attention, it will just continue to scroll into a dark abyss).

The lack of a post cap is also not such a big deal to me… except for our lounge thread here. I think it would be nice if we could somehow preserve the tradition of capping it at 500 replies, with the author of that last post being bestowed the honor of creating and naming the new lounge.


It’s been twelve years since my mom passed away. I still miss her immensely of course, but as time goes on, I find that the things that remind me of her make me cry less now and smile more. I hope it’s the same for you.

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A couple of interesting things I noticed about the new forums:

  1. It doesn’t seem to be reading my thoughts as much as GD had me convinced it would. Hmm…

  2. The end of time wasn’t near.

I may have to reconsider believing everything I read on the internet now!

/Pours a fresh pot of coffee
/Adds gnomes for flavor

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I realized something last night before going to sleep. I’ve been away from home so I haven’t logged in to the game in over a month. I’ve lost a bunch of mail from the AH. Items and gold. Oh well. I’ll have to farm when I get home.

I know how you feel. Last break I took from the game, I forgot to clear out the AH on my banker :sob:

I had a BOE Epic up for a decent amount of gold. Don’t know if it sold or if it decayed in the mail. Hopefully someone purchased it and enjoyed it while it lasted!

It’s been long enough that the logs would be gone as well. I had the rare blacksmithing recipe from the last boss of LBRS. I’m not sure if its in my bags or lost in the mail. It will drop again at some point. I use LRBS to farm race reputations using the tabards.

Yeah the forums feel weird. I know it is purely a familiarity thing and will adjust.

G’Huun last night. Less than a million health. Still hurts. A major dps died early phase 3. He did not stackn the first time as he was at 2 stacks. Got the plague the second time so could not clear. Healers could not keep him up at 6 stacks. If he were alive G’Huun would be dead, I would have Aotc, and never have to do that fight again haha.

And Teug I kind of like your idea of stopping at 500 too. I do wonder how high these threads can go, but am also out off by the endless scrolling. Suppose that is just an adjustment as well though.

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Is this about those people who thought to advance Trust levels you would have to only say good things about Blizzard and not be critical at all about Blizz ?

That would never of been a thing. DIscourse’s Trust level system is automatic. Blizzard doesn’t have the resources to employee a galactically large neural net to analyse everyones posts in real time LOL


If you click the replies column it will sort by that. 1,900 appears to be the largest thread right now.

A significant portion of GD would probably (definitely) disagree with you. :wink:


There were a number of crazy threads and posts just before Tuesday (when they first posted about the upgrade). I’m sure some were just trolling, but with others they seemed to think that Blizz was letting other players silence posts via the report feature and that Blizz would only unlock threads that shined a positive light.

Not to mention threads on freedom of speech and so on. I’m just glad that the overall feeling seems to be a positive one and that most people are enjoying the new forums.

For those wanting a cap, it’s tradition for the first thread (at least when we transitioned last time) for the thread to go wild.

So … I can’t even see which character is going to be posting this …

EDIT: Oh ew, the last character I posted on, got it.

pokes around

The posting character can be seen in the upper right corner of the page. If you click on the portrait, you’ll be able to see the character name.

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Ok, the new forums are WEIRD.

It’ll take some getting used to.

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I look at the avatar at the very top right to figure that out.

Mine was all ready to post as Sablehorns again. (I think he must somehow be set as a default based on being able to play him on a Starter Account.)

There, I think that’s better.

@Terise - Uh, no. I’m guessing I have to add some permissions to my adblockers or something. I don’t see any pictures whatsoever.

Took a second to find even just the clicky area where the character would be.

Also, can we get a slightly lighter background? =\

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Hmmmm … I don’t seem to get a Reply option on any threads in Classic Discussion. Did they forget to unlock that forum similar to Customer Support and Tech Support? (Or did they choose not to?)

EDIT: Oh, but I have it on my realm forum where I posted one quick Hello thread while the ability of an inactive account to post new threads existed.