[CS LOUNGE] Great Movie Quotes

IM just trying to be vague enough w/o spoilers dont get me wrong im enjoying the series so far just gona be interesting thats for sure.

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These quotes need to be heard to get full impact of how funny it is:

It is a skit with Birmingham Brown from “Dark Alibi” - with Charlie Chan


I discovered that PvP below level 20 is an exercise in futility. The tool set isn’t there. Plus my eyes being borked doesn’t help/


LA county too


RIP Anne Rice.


She was a great author.


Oh No! I loved her books


She also was the screenwriter for the movie “Interview With The Vampire” which was one of my favorite Vampire movies; May she rest in peace.

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Taking Boogy to Cracker Barrel for breakfast. His brother at work so just our special time out.

Got him a Cookies and Creme Hot Chocolate. Hope he likes. Got myaelf an Apple Pie Cinnamon Roll. Hope i like.


It was in the 80s on Friday.
It went below freezing last night/this morning.

Texas plz :hot_face: :cold_face:


We’ve been getting some temperature fluctuations lately, but nothing quite like that. Warm one day, cold the next, and warm again the next couple days.

Christmas shopping is pretty much done. I’m going to go out today and grab some wine for my mom and sister, and some beer for my brother-in-law, and that should wrap it up. Well, except for the stuff I’m going to actually make, but that has to wait a bit.


-4 or 24f degrees for anyone that doesnt know the conversion spent 300$ on 3 gifts 2 to a dinner theater for my sisters and 100$ cash card for costco now i just need 3 for my nieces and 1 for my parents.


Well, last night, I setup the crockpot for beans. I added some smoked ham shanks, pinto beans and pinto bean seasoning, plus a little garlic, onion and black pepper. Turned it on low and went to bed.

This morning I woke up, and I smelled smoked ham. I thought to myself, who in the blazes is smoking meat at 6am? Took me two hours to realize that it was coming from my crock pot. I forgot I had it on all night. It smells and tastes great, I just put it on warm, and gonna make a large batch of rice for dinner tonight.


The Lions play at 4 today. With 7 players from the practice team because of flu and covid. Should be a great game! :smirk:

This month is flying by. :santa: It feels strange not buying gifts this year but everyone is getting what they want. Restaurant gift cards. 2 each and their favorite place.

The kids just got their boosters. That’s a big relief. Covid is going crazy here in Michigan. They just have mild sore arms, no bad reactions. I guess our family got lucky since none of us had a bad reaction.


Oh, got the Christmas bug in game and have to keep going to my garrison to get the Jinglemort transmog to run around in. It only lasts 30 minutes. The crate of costumes lasts 20. :frowning_face:


Been cleaning ever since i got home

Bad washers and dtyers at the comex left my clothes dirty and soaked. So had to go to laundry mat.

Shhets and blankets got washed too due to extra trip. Bed made and getti g ready to sit and relax a little. Room almost done, kitchen done.

Living room and bathroom minus tub left. Feels good though.

And found my Critical Role Hoody. Suoer happy about that.


Got a haircut last time it kinda looked like littlefingers hair bit too fluufy yes thats a word lol got it done shorter and less high maintence.

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Someone pointed this out on General Discussion. Blizzard added Text to Speech to the Accessibility options. Tie that to an Unfiltered Trade chat and see what happens. I might give it a shot some time tonight and see what happens.

/scratches head

When did raining in Stratholme start? Of course, rather odd to be raining inside the buildings as well.

You would think all that rain would eventually put out the fires, lol.



Well, that was a mistake. Had a slice of Pumpkin Pie before bed, now tummy is upset.