[CS LOUNGE] Great Movie Quotes

I would take that after doing conversion.

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It’s 73 degrees Fahrenheit right now and sunny at 3:02 PM here in the good old piedmont of North Carolina.

Shoots daggers from eyes.


Gotta rub it in a little deeper Darth… The next 6 days call for the highs to be in the low to mid 70’s F and the lows in the 50’s - 60’s… Runs out of the room out of view of the computer

Burns down pillow fort outa spite.

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Told ya not to click, lol.

All kidding aside, I hope it gets a bit warmer for you up there, Darth. You are welcome to send some of that cold my way. I really would prefer a colder end to the year.

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Well you know i am a state north of Kalv right?

Typically if it is nice there it is a good chance it is nice here. Or the nasty has not yet migrated south.

Aint no nasty here today baby.


You mite want to rethink that its gona hit -40 to -50 this week.


Send it on down. By the time it mixes with our highs, it will be just a mild chill.


I am A-OK without another year like last.

I’ll take my warm winter and be happy.


I would just like to live somewhere that actually has more than one season. Slightly cooler summer, blistering hot summer, that one day of winter in February … just give me a little more variety please.

Hope we can move away from the Swamp soon and go further north into the mountains.


Ditto, Same here Kyzera…

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I like the Nantahala Gorge area in N.C. myself, I wish that I had enough money for a place up there and another near the coast. But we all know the saying “Wish in one hand and ____ in the other.”

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If you are a Washington Football Team fan, this game is very difficult to watch.

But man, what a show from Dallas all across the field as of the half

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56-14 final for the Cowboys to win their division.

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It was hard to watch Tampa Bay pound on my Panthers winning 32 - 6 :disappointed:

Yeah they pounded Washington.

looks at Darth

are you kidding me right now? .-.

didn’t want to venture out today, was feeling tired…but i braved the outside world and got what i needed. very few people were out. most likely at retailers and such doing returns, exchanges or spending Christmas money/gift cards on stuff.



My mom got me a shirt with a big snail printed on it, and the caption “Snailed it!”.

I’ve never been called out so accurately before.


Did it arrive by snail mail?