[CS Lounge] Fall Festivities and Friends!

But night moderation. You know my primetime is in America’s sleep time.

I would be great at night moderation, I think. I tried to apply, but got told I’d have to move ;-;. I don’t want to leave my house.

Honestly though, if I did have to move to Texas, I’d be alright with it. I got family who lives in Colorado, so surely that isn’t that far away… Like a few hours on the road?

Depends where they are in relation to you. It’s about a 13 hour drive from Colorado Springs to San Antonio.

I mean, true, but I didn’t mean moving to Colorado. Like, able to visit family in Colorado. They live in one of the northern suburbs of Denver. I honestly forgot exactly which.

Still around a 12-13 hour trip by car. I only know cause I drove that once myself lol

I’ll fly then. Gotta fly if I move to Texas. Not going to swim across the pacific then walk across Cali, Arizona, New Mexico and into Texas.

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Lol fair. That cuts it down to like a 1-3 hour trip after your move obviously

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I once applied but because i wasnt overy familar with excell i got denied a gm job.

Also i always recomend putting suggestion in the ingame suggestion feature we all know general is the moss eisly canteena.

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I never ever have. For the exact same reason. I am not moving and giving up my house that I own. I also would be too far from family. Bonus, I would live near the TX crew and I have other friends there - Lissanna one of our former MVPs is in TX.

Still, selling my house is not happening and I am not sure medically I could do the forum shifts reliably. Some days I am here for 14 hours, and other days I am just plain useless.

I also fear it would take a lot of the fun out of the community, and the game, if I applied.

I am pretty omnipresent lol. I could do it and be great at the job…I just don’t want to move. For like the first time in almost 20 years I’m stable and can enjoy life and not worry about being homeless. Uprooting myself would change that, more than likely.

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First Thanksgiving without Grandma. Technically, the second one but we didn’t come together for that one since it was so close after her passing.
The house doesn’t feel the same.
Also, nobody could get themselves togther to do the cooking. It was a preordered meal and was “meh” at best.


That sounds awful. I hope it gets better though. In the meantime, I can offer fox hugs.


hope you all whom celabrate had a good thanksgiving


And it may take a while before it does, my sympathies for enduring it. This is the fifth holiday season since my father passed away, the seventh since his mother passed, and the second since his father.

Family gatherings still aren’t as jovial and rowdy as they used to be, but it will get easier to get together and celebrate them rather than mourn them over time, pull together again for a time of remembrance and some semblance of what once was!

We’ve also started a few new traditions in the past few years as a result, and honestly I think that alone is a good testament to the legacy of passed loved ones the world over.


Renji I like you, then again Druids like all living creatures. Its ok if your horde, I’ll still scratch behind your ears. But you must share the bacon!!!:bacon:

I’m just bored and want to be rewarded with sandwiches for doing something right :frowning:

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All I have is my pocket bacon though! I’ll take the ear scratches, however. Those sound nice.

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Happy Thanksgiving from the VA rehab. It’s looking like I’ll be discharged next week.

More good news, I didn’t blow out my sugar levels after dinner today, my sister brought a plate from home.