But bacon is good wraped around everything.
Bacon = good
Turkey = good
Turkey + Bacon on sandwiches = good
A turkey wearing bacon wrappings like a mummy = abomination
No mariah carrie all i want for xmas is a abomination should be banned in all grocery stores
Just to mess with you bacon wrapped turducken.
Ronald Weasley how dare u insult my wife that way she maybe a female cow but thats beside the point Im bringing u home and making sure u eat nothing but tofu turkey for the rest of the holidays.
Maple BACON donuts!!! Bacon makes everything good!
It makes the turkey look better.
I also hate turkey but feel obliged to eat it once a year.
I think the bacon wrap would be an improvement.
Well u can gota go thru the looking glass everyonce in awhile.
All cows are female.
Except the bulls same species.
I think that’s largely what Tomten was getting at.
What people widely call cows are technically called cattle. Females are cows, males are bulls. Bison, buffalo, and oxen follow the same rule, among other species.
Im sure theres a joke in here somewhere but I dont think vrak would apreciate it.
EDIT: Actually, probably a bad idea to post that one.
Illl just
and see my self out.
No quiting
on me now.
Odd how the description on that lists it as a freezing cold turkey when the bird is a Sharp-Tailed Grouse.
Suppose the people who uploaded it to Tenor just named it whatever they could think of at the time.