[CS Lounge]: Drunk dwarves, and flailing Night Elves? Just another weekday

Ugh! My brother gifted some money on my Battlenet Balance and it’s taking it’s sweet time coming through. I hate waiting.

I finally got my dad’s banana birthday cake made and in the oven. I had to wait for the bananas to ripen up so it’s late. I feel like I put too much butter in, but then melted butter always looks like too much as I’m not used to using it. ~crosses fingers and hopes it comes out right~

Well on my way to 85 on this character. :smiley: I went back to Ret. Healing was testing my patience and temper too much.

Got some unfortunate results on a blood test taken on Monday. I’m hoping it’s a false flag, but given everything else, maybe not.



currently in the process of getting my Classic hunter ready for a possible Deadmines run tonight…if not, then i’ll have some extra time before the next dungeon run at least.

though…i could STILL get run through a few times, just won’t be able to do the quests.

man, you really begin to appreciate having summon stones outside of dungeons in some cases.

That’s never a good thing. I hope that it’s the false positive!


So it has hit the fan today. Night cook called the boss and said he quit. She is still out sick, hoping to get cleared today

Administrator is asking me a ton of questions and I told her you know word for word what i know.

Told her we would figure it out somehow.



Took a couple days off so I’d have a 4-day weekend to welcome my new roommate! As a guildie of mine, I’ve known them for a couple of years. It’s honestly slightly anticlimactic, but in a good way because we know each other like siblings.

We got so much done over the weekend… part of it was getting lost in IKEA and escaping as the proud parents of 3 miniature cacti. I made little paper angry eyebrows for each.


It’s a good thing you care about all those hungry old folks. When my Mom was in a nursing home, the food was the highlight of the day. She also liked to pester the cooks and tell them how it should be done. They always put up with it nicely!


Of course it’s during the heat wave that all the memos get brought to us to deliver.

Gonna make enchilada soup for dinner tonight.


/hug Alvie
Dork Knights could always use some warming up.

Been very quiet on this forum lately. In CS anyways. Not complaining, just observing.

Shhhh, you’ll jinx us.


Ok. FINALLY home.

I had no problem helping at work today because my son was at the fall festival st school. Well he was overwhelmed by a lot of it and wanted to leave. I didn’t see the message until I was done cooking but that is ok.

Flew down there to pick him up. Then back to almost where u was to pick up his prescription. Then Sam’s and after that Walmart grocery pickup.

He got McDonald’s for dinner as I don’t feel like cooking. Eldest got Mcrivs haha

Pretty much as I got home wife left to go to Pinots Palettes I think it is. She loves to paint so it will be fun for her.

Gonna have some fried rice and general tso chicken for dinner, outnod the Sam’s meal secrion. Hopefully it is good

And things are going to be hectic at work for a bit I predict. At least u til they figure out the evening cook situation. I sense overtime in my future


You don’t need to sleep.

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You can sleep when you’re dead.

Naps don’t count.


Aanyone want some sleet/snow its coming in central alberta along with crazy wind https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KLmkdtMtUUs

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snow might be nice…though i still need to get a new pair of winter boots. sleet on the other hand?

very much no. i had my fill of icy sidewalks earlier this year, to last me the rest of my life. ._.

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its wet miserable and ive seen some snowflakes mixed in the sleet belch.

They’re not calling that here yet, but I got my snow tires on today! So that should protect us from getting any snow at all this year :roll_eyes:

Next up, test out the snow blower…that’ll guarantee no snow!