[CS Lounge] Caffeine, Snacks, and a Warm Fire

That is so true. It feels more accurate to just look out the window sometimes.

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Dunno if you need this Orlyia, but…

/offers a Panda size coffee

I would like to add to this that I do miss my physical music collection. I love having the artwork, lyrics, etc…but man, it was just taking up way too much space and I couldn’t justify keeping it all when I can just press a button and hear any song I want. I have to admit it was kind of freeing taking all those boxes of CDs to Goodwill.

I did keep my vinyl collection though, that’s one thing I won’t part with.


Makes a extra strong pot of coffee for orlyia got a feeling shes needs it.

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Oooo… I just got a text that I need to pay my IPass bill before they suspend my license. Better get right on that.

/s :roll_eyes:


Is that for toll roads? I don’t think Michigan has any. Ohio does, but we try not to go there.

Just kidding for Ohio folks.



I get those texts every so often as well. The last one was showing as a Russian website that I should go to in order to pay my toll bill.


Yeah. It’s one of the current scams going around. It actually looks pretty good - no typos, poor grammar, etc. I just know that it’s been about two years since I’ve been on a toll road (in Chicago), and I was driving a UHaul (and I paid that bill). And I would have logged into my account (if I had one) instead of going through some random link.

Aside from bridges, we don’t.

I’m not. :nauseated_face:


1 week after Kenshins cryptoid neutering, HE thinks everything is back to normal. HE wants to run and jump and play like big brother. I’m like dude chill, your stitches are not even out yet.


Except for bridges to Canada, the only way to leave Michigan is thru Ohio or Indiana. We don’t have a ton of choices. I guess we could swim. :thinking: Okay Wisconsin but that is a heck of a drive. And it’s across a big scary bridge.

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What’s this about bridges to nowhere?

Looks at the McPickle
Oi! Trying to make me Code V?

HEY!!! I mean I don’t live in Ohio anymore, and I’ve actually been in AZ longer than I lived in Ohio (yes I’m old), but I was born and raised there till I moved in my mid 20s… We do have a love hate relationship with that State Up North though… :stuck_out_tongue:

I think there is only one toll road in Ohio, or at least there used to be only one, and it is over by the border to Pennsylvania. But yea I’ve been getting those toll texts as well, I just laugh, they could at least narrow it down to area codes that are from states with toll roads… lol.


Try walking across it. Great fun to feel it sway. :astonished: Then there was the time we were headed to the UP to camp, with the canoe tied to the top of the car (truck?). It shifted on the bridge - a LOT. Dad’s like “we need to stop and fix it.” Mom was all “Nope. No stopping on the bridge!” (which is true). Made it across without losing the canoe, but it was a bit scary.

I knock on Ohio a lot, but it does have Cedar Point, so we can occasionally give it a pass (though I haven’t been there in ages).


I’ve always enjoyed the back and forth that Ohio has with Michigan. It all seems to be in good fun, we did lose out with getting Toledo and giving you guys the UP though. lol.


McPickle? I would eat that! I want some lettuce and tomato too though.

It is. I got one too for our East Coast toll system. Warned my parents - my mother in particular tends to fall for things. I know I don’t have any tolls and if I did, they would mail me something, or email me something. They don’t have my phone number.

I do worry how many people fall for those things though :frowning:


Just chiming in that I too a, getting the toll road texts, although there are none near me in Tennessee.

I did live in Austin for about 20 years and they are everywhere in Texas so maybe that’s how my number got looped in.

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Can I just have a McCheese instead? Their pickles are naaaaaaaaaaaaaaasty.

You really *are* a pickle.

*Dips Mirasol in Thousand Island dressing and coats her with bacon bits*

Remember how I said I’m part of the RT*M club? Most people in this country aren’t. Meaning they also won’t do research or vet something before engaging with it. That’s how they keep falling for these scams.

In other news, my brother finally got the forms faxed in to the funeral home and I’ve verified they got them. I filled out the invoice and CC payment form and emailed it to them. Next step is them telling me when to come down to view my mom for a few minutes before they transport her to the crematory. They even said they aren’t charging for the five locks of hair I requested. And as I’m always in tech support mode, I downloaded clean versions of the scanned forms they send to their clients that have editable text fields (theirs really are just picture scans and crooked at that) and sent them those clean forms to give to new clients in the future. It should make things easier for them and their clients going forward.

One more day of work…then March break. One more day…

/grabs vacuum and starts spring-cleaning the fort

/makes more bacon…it’s not morning here, but it is somewhere…

/puts out a platter of Timbits…yes, I ate all the honey-glazed ones

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Refills the timbits and gives perl boston creme but fills it with mustard since they ate all the honeyglaze.