[CS Lounge] Ahh home, let me come home~ šŸŽ¶

Iā€™ve been dealing with a pinched nerve that went down my left leg for about a week. Itā€™s recovering now but made sitting uncomfortable.

Yup. I know how that feels.

Did standing hurt, too? My muscles cramp and ache if I stand for more than a few minutes. Going up stairs/steps is sometimes very difficult. Just laying in bed hurts. I often wake up because I need to switch what side Iā€™m laying on. :frowning_face:

If it does work please be sure to link it here, it might be worth me looking into as well

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Iā€™ve got a dislocated tailbone and had to get a special cushion, Found one at a local small department store named Gabeā€™s for $9.95 and it really works well for me.

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Pinched nerves really are painful and hard to find a good position to alleviate the pain sometimes.

So very true. D:

The nerve in question is right where the leg meets the butt. The feeling wasnā€™t painful but annoying. Ran down to the back of the knee.

Itā€™s healing on its own and is almost gone. Glad because a lot of my laying down on my side is my left side. Right. On. The. Spot. O.O

oh no >_<

the school homework portalā€™s down and i have like two assignments to upload.

Email them directly to the professor and let them know whatā€™s going on and then try to submit ASAP?


Yeah, I sent an email in with screenshots and the assignment.

and of course itā€™s back up after the deadline. of course.


Good to hear. Fingers crossed that your prof will be merciful!

Edit: Of course. Oi. :expressionless:

On an unrelated note, a new opportunity may be popping up soon, so I get to flex my writing fingers againā€¦ well, outside of roleplaying RWBY anyway. Iā€™m excited!

Probably wonā€™t pay rent, but hopefully itā€™ll open the door for other things.


If you ever want me to take a look at things, lmk. :slight_smile:

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I hurt my back in high school wrestling. We were doing an endurance drill. The person switching in on me jumped in and landed with their knee on my lower back right in my left hip at the lower back

My hip there is slightly permanently rotated forward now. Thst is also where the sciatic nerve is located. There is now constant pressure on it. On cold days I can feel it in my ankles.

I have the same issue with my champion. Itā€™s their tactical attacks and my tactical mitigation isā€¦ lacking

ā€¦schoolā€™s changed a lot in the 12 years since I graduated from college.

Whelp today was supposed to be a work drained and broke me lazy day.

Nope. Kids trashed the house and wife did not feel well. Not even well enough to threaten them into doing it lol. Don also has an emergency dentist appointment to see if he will need a root canal or not.

I wish you the best of luck!

roleplaying RWBY

I actually enjoy text based RP more than in game RP. :open_mouth:

Sorry to hear that Mast; Mine isnā€™t that bad, Before I got the cushion my tailbone would hurt bad until it popped back in place but now that I use the cushion that alleviates the pressure on my tailbone it doesnā€™t hurt at all when I stand up; Only problem I have now is the occasional flare up of my bone spurs on the bottom of my feet from standing on hard surfaces for long periods; Canā€™t hardly walk sometimes due to the pain and thatā€™s with wearing the special arch supports in my shoes; Damn getting old sucks sometimes.

AS for your sciatic nerve problem Iā€™ve not experience that for long periods but one of my best friends did and his feet would turn an odd color and the pain was unbearable; He couldnā€™t afford the surgery so he went Chiropractic and kept getting adjustments and it finally eased up for him. Hope yours gets better for I know how bad he was hurting and always was trying to get his hands on strong enough pain killers to alleviate the pain so he could work.

Iā€™d love it if you would once itā€™s done. <3 Iā€™ll hit you up!

Mineā€™s a Tumblr blog, but I also RP over Discord. Helps keep my writing skills sharp.

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