[CS Lounge] Ahh home, let me come home~ 🎶



How’ve you been, mate?

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I’ve always said that you can put on enough clothes to stay warm but there’s only so much you can take off legally to stay cool! :sunglasses:


:smiley: Happy singles awareness day everyone.


It’s what you make of it!

I call it Palentines because I have a lot of friends I love. :heart:


I like that :+1:

Just wanted to say that the Moonglow drink from the WoW cookbook is very good, albeit a very interesting flavor (I credit that to the elderflower liquer).

And bonus, it changes colors under the blacklight – looks very cool!!


I <3 that cookbook, I use it all the time. Looking forward to the authors Elder Scrolls Cookbook next. :3

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I have enjoyed the majority of what I have cooked from it.

:heart: the Bloodberry Tart and the Mana Strudel!!

The Buzzard Bites were great as well. And while I liked the Brewfest Pretzels, I did not like the Cheddar Beer Dip.

Also, did NOT like the Steaming Goat Noodles!

Bug got an award for listening today. And he’s been asked to join the gardening club!


You better be careful or he may end up taking you to for Show and Tell as a “garden gnome”:stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


If he doesn’t take one of yours.

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You are an attention hog! More than me.
A Huggle Hog.

But yeah, we lubs you!

<Eagerly awaiting 8.1.5>

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Happy Friday everyone :slight_smile: <3 hope all my Canadian forum goers are staying warm! Its starting to finally warm up where i am. Its sad when -30C (-22F) is considered nice weather lol


Burr; :cold_face: Man that’s cold; I just looked at the forecast here all the way to March 1st and it’s going to stay well above freezing and today’s high will be in the mid 60’s F (18.3C) and no rain; The rest of the month is calling for rain for 14 days straight; But hey at least it’s not the freezing stuff.

Wish I could blow some warm air your way! :sunglasses:

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We have had probably close to 1.5 feet of snow so far (usually stays on the ground until end of April) i would _love _ warmer weather lol but it is the prairies in Canada… last week we had -52C (-62F) in the morning >.<

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Ouch! One thing for sure is that you shouldn’t have any poisonous snakes in your area; That’s a plus! I’ve got friends in Wisconsin and they don’t have any due to the cold winters.

Down here we have the Eastern Diamondback Rattle snake which is on the endangered species list and let me tell you I have seen some HUGE ones; Also have Timber Rattlers; Cottonmouth Water Moccasin and the dreaded Copperhead which are mean and territorial; Also near the coast where I lived we had the Coral Snake which has venom like a cobra; One bite and you better get to the hospital within an hour.

Not to mention the poisonous spiders; I once found one in my attic; Never identified it but it had 3 mice carcasses in it’s web; eerie looking thing; Black Widows; Brown Recluse, Nasty boogers.

So living in a colder climate definitely has it’s advantages in my opinion.

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true! Although i know in the southern part of the province, there are rattle snakes and Black Widow spiders eegh. But not so much here lol most we have to deal with is the 6-8 months of snow and in the summer the mosquitoes.

Yeah what’s up with that? I visited my friends in Wisconsin one summer in their cabin by this lake and you could hear the mosquitoes coming in a swarm; They were easy to kill and very large in size compared to those down here which are much smaller and silent, They bite you before you have a chance to swat them, LOL!
And the gnats here by the coast which are so tiny but aggravating as all get out; They get in your hair and bite you on the scalp.

Also for one month in May we have what we call May flies that are a yellowish green color and when they bite they have quite a bite that’s awful, Fortunately we only have to put up with them for a month then they’re gone until next year.

i have no idea what