[CS Lounge] A New Year! 20-Years of WoW!

I know tho ive see orly pop in well past her hours and i was kidding wasnt realy expecting either to pop in.

If it helps I saw the pause subscription option a whie ago in account management, I want to say before the last 1 year offer.


I didnt realize kim rhodes was in star trek voyager now that i look at the character i see it now.

I’m for Super Earth fighting bugs for Democracy!

Guess what game I am playing :grin:

Game was being a little odd earlier.

My Gnome Spriest was doing stuff in Korthia while also running the MoP timewalking dungeons for the weekly. Every time I came out of a dungeon, the game would deposit me back in Oribos at the teleport pad directly across from the Korthia portal.

But at least I finally looted the Crimson Shardhide mount from Malbog. Now if I can only finish getting all the Tasty Mawshrooms needed to feed Darkmaul, I will then have all the Shardhide mounts.


Holy cow went to bed with a little snow woke up to a foot of snow give or take.


Was 55°F (~13°C) when I went to the dentist a couple of hours ago. 70% chance of snow tomorrow. 70°F (21°C) next weekend.

A veritable meteorological rollercoaster.

Edit - Oh, yeah… thought I lost a filling from a second molar. I did, because the tooth fractured. Get to go back in two weeks for a temp crown. Yay.



We’re supposed to get thunderstorms tomorrow. First ones this year. :cloud_with_lightning_and_rain:

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I ventured out today to the grocery store before the weather changes to cold and rain. Every single trash and recycle bin is exactly perfectly lined up with each driveway and the bin next to it. Either every home owner is being really particular, or someone has arranged all the bins. I find it very very pleasing, but also disconcerting that someone did that. I won’t say I did not THINK of doing it just to make the chaos stop, but I never went that far. Someone else did…

Anyway, I now have groceries for the next week or two and don’t need to go back out. All chores done, white beans soaking, and some chicken leg quarters simmering. Going to make a chicken and white bean stew tomorrow I think.

Edit - probably will make some fresh bread too. The last one turned out picture perfect which is great because I had company. Did anyone try the no-knead dutch oven bread? I thought someone was going to and I wanted to know how it came out.


Garbage gnomes i say its the garbage gnomes lol.


Ok lesson learned the hard way. Do NOT take the Torghast Anima Power (Elethium Weights). Sure it pumps your main stat by 30% but you cannot jump.

Now you are probably thinking, why would you need to jump?

Well, if you cannot jump then you also cannot remove yourself from the lava you just fell into.

Now back to trying to cross this lava field and hope I don’t fall in yet again.


Wait u cant lava bend must be a shaman thing not a deomon summoning thing.

T’was I! The first time I made it, I let it chill in the fridge for a couple of days. It was fantastic. I made another loaf the other day and just let it sit in the fridge overnight. It was also fantastic. I think I like how this second one turned out just a little better? They both had great flavor and texture.

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I need to try the chill overnight method! I always end up baking same day. Yay for it coming out well! Easiest thing ever and it looks all fancy.

SO glad it came out well for you.

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Wooot my wife vulpecula got her lucid nightmare mount today!!!


That brings nightmares getting someone that knows how to do the ligth thing the vines and the ball maze shudder.

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Been there, done that. It took me awhile to figure out what was wrong too!


The worse part was the take the colored orb to the right rune, oh and you don’t get a map or any sence of direction.

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Just finished ATLA. Good 8 episodes the final episode showcases the emotions of the final episode far more then a cartoon could do cant wait for 2nd season.

Pay attention to into the dark theres a scene that if u watched the original u will recognize the music.

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