[CS Lounge] A New Year! 20-Years of WoW!

I talked to the patch notes writer once. It’s worded in a way to help with localization into 17 languages


I guess thats fair just seems worded wrong but thats me.

it goes without saying ~but~ i’m saying it anyway; we are all incredibly happy this is the case. You all are the best! :heart:


He-man and the masters of the universe revolution was good missing something wont say what it is but was a good 5 episodes sets up another season nicely.

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I thought so too.

There were so many things in this season that, to me, gave me a bit of a WoW vibe and refrences. Did you think what I thought when the sword transformed? “Did someone say…?” That was just one of many.

I chuckled when orko went on the quest thatwas funny.

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Yeah it was. :dracthyr_hehe_animated:

I also really loved Granamyr, his art, VA and whole role. I kind of wished he had gotten more screen time.

Oh and I wasn’t expecting the twist they threw in there. Am I behind on the “lore” or was it a surprise to you too?

The lore and history was new not the first time theve changed hemans looks one of the earlier reboots made a few changes due to story.

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Hearsay says whole EU team gets potentially eradicated but it may take some time due labour laws.

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The origins of Skeletor in particular is what I was referencing about the twist I wasn’t expecting.

Personally I loved Thundar the barbarian, was one of my favorites. Now that is showing my age right there.

They modified that a bit but its not too farboff they went more loki the the original.

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… how fascinating. Coincidence? Tolkien passed away in 1973.

1 ring to rule them all… how many to the three other kingdoms?


Correct me if i am wrong but didn’t they touch on the origins of skeletor in the original cartoon or am i thinking of possibly another reboot they’ve done ? I can’t remember i was only four at the time.

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They did in a reboot this one is similar but it feels more like a thor/loki silarity.

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I will never understand the need to try so hard with some people’s naming choices. I can’t even blame it on it being juvenile, because too often they’re way old enough to know better. With a lot of it, you have to know you’re toeing some line, if not doing a full gymnastics floor routine over it.


Is this most recent reboot the one where Mark Hamill does the voice of skeletor ?

I know there was one i was watching on i think netflix or maybe prime. They were supposed to make a new season to it after i think the first season.


Yes mark hamil makes a way better villian.


One would think he would eventually hit some sort of a wall or there would be a sameness to them - but he does justice to each and every one he plays.


I could not agree more !!!

I loved him as the joker in batman the animated series. I always got kick out his maniacal laugh he came up with for the character.
Heck i didn’t even recognize him as the lawyer in fall of the house of usher.

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