Cryptids league vs Ruin? Horde failures

Honestly, do you not hold yourself accountable at all? Have you considered that the content of your posts is the root cause, and not because the community has grown cold hearted?

You and I haven’t exactly been the best of forum pals, and I can point to the content of your posts as the reason why I don’t want to see your contributions to the community. From where I stand, your posts fall into exactly two categories:

  1. Arrogance: All of the chest pounding about being the best hunter to play the game.
  2. Whining: All of the whining about hunters being under-powered, and how WoW is all meleecraft.

I truly can’t recall a single post you’ve made that can’t easily be placed into either of those buckets. In my honest opinion, that’s why people don’t want to read what you have to say.

I do enough introspection to know that plenty of people don’t want to read my posts. When someone annoys me, I tend to troll them, rather than ignore them. But I also try to be helpful, thoughtful, and amusing when the opportunity presents itself.

I’m not trying to troll you now, truly. It’s time you take a look at what you’re posting before you blame the changing community. Plenty of the folks on this forum have become friends, and their WoW sense of community is enhanced, not diminished.

If you put :poop: ingredients into the pot, you’re gonna get a :poop: stew.


I keep getting out of breath reading the op’s replies and I lose track of what they are saying so I made a fun little game and only read the capital words to see if there is some hidden encrypted message in his posts.


He may be having a disability of some sort.

No normal person will post like that … I hope at least


Zap, I know I said I wasn’t going to reply to you, but if you said you will shut up if I provide proof, then suure.
Early on, I didn’t take pictures of most of my battles since my wins against people like RUIN were so one-sided that I didn’t feel like it was an “accomplishment.”
(And also, I was busy leading lol.)

Luckily, I don’t need to provide pictures? And why? Because my enemies confirmed my victories!

Proof 1:
(He tried to turn the message against me lol, but he’s still confirming.)

Proof 2:

(Someone in my raid took a picture. I didn’t for the above reasons, but there ya go.)

Proof 3:

(I actually did take a picture here.)

Proof 4:

(Pictures taken by me, but they were taken after the fact, since I don’t like to get distracted taking the perfect picture while in the middle of a fight.)

Proof 5:

(This one isn’t a fight, but a Battle for Nazjatar.)

Side note: I must admit, I was really determined to shut you up at first but providing proof is really taking me down memory lane lol. I’m enjoying this.

So you may look at those and think “so you only beat them 5 times?! Pathetic.” If you are thinking this then let me remind you that this is only what I have accessible documentation to (as in, Twitter posts). I did not take pictures of all my victories, nor did I post all my pictures (I had one more, a really good one, that I wanted to show ya, but I can’t link pictures on the forums and it’s too old to post). These are only 5 of the many times I beat CL.

So you may be thinking “What about RUIN?”
In the early days, I don’t think I took any pictures of RUIN since I didn’t see my wins as much as an accomplishment lol, seeing how bad they were. I still wiped them (and I have Twitter posts about wiping them) but I don’t have the documentation you want.

HOWEVER, after they’ve been claiming they’re good recently, I actually started taking documentation.
Here’s my most recent one. Archaosrex was not in it but it was RUIN (not just RUIN but RUIN folks were there). Archaosrex even mentioned the raid on one of his streams but said he wasn’t gonna go.

Proof 6:

So there ya have it. There are images of me beating the people you claim I have not beaten. (And that’s not even close to all of them.)
As you may have noticed, I was initially not very good at taking pictures (partially why I didn’t take many tbh) but hey, you’re not good at CAPITALIZATION so who are you to complain :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:? Lol.
So there you go. Now shut up.


The funny thing is people actually WERE hunting me down. Just recently, RUIN was hopping shards with 3 raids trying to find me lol.

Read MY first post CAREFULLY, i stated ‘majority of our battles were lost as horde,

i am SURE both sides probably lost at times, WHO WON more OF their battles?
You? common shadows THIS IS real talks - most people on forums fabricate their victories for WHATEVER reason (they need help)

I am starting to FEEL that you are very desperate, do YOU know why?

You ARE here in the middle of TWO big names trying TO get SOME ATTENTION. Trying so hard to make this ENTIRE thread about YOU.

All YOUR posts are poor.

I asked FOR:

Videos of their actual raids THAT WOULD BE (clear PROOF)
Archoas of ruin and his raid
cryptids of CL and her raid.

Both of these guilds have thousands of PLAYERS roaming around in the WORLD, SURE you KILLED some of THEM including their NEWBIE leaders. I was ACTUALLY ASKING if you EVER killed their LEGIT raid groups with them in it AND THEM leading?

In a video where you FOUGHT them both, they died to your raid. show me or you really need to shut up now.

All you HAVE shown me are your own made up posts on TWITTER, SOME of those POSTS have no names, could be ANYONE, proves NOTHING.

SORRY shadow, as much as I LOVE MY horde faction. Your DESPERATION is out of control I FIND you even MORE weird now you literally are POSTING about these random irrelevant CL members when I asked FOR their legit or core raid whatever that would be with their main leadership.

To round this UP, PERHAPS you got a few victories, IF they START counting the SAME, i SUSPECT this won’t end WELL. YOUR OWN post exposed YOU.

‘‘Yeah Shadow, you wont make many friends bragging about the one victory you finally got after getting meatgrinded all week. Dont tag people who weren’t there. It’s bad form’’

He said getting meatgrinded all weak, and you TAGGING people that are not EVEN there.

DO i NEED to say any more?

PS: next TIME you want to prove SOMETHING, have clear screenshots with their names, videos are 10x better for proof.

PS: This post wasn’t about YOU, it was about ruin vs CL for better wpvp BALANCE.

You your self said that YOU RUN when 3 raids are chasing YOU.

Is this BALANCE?
NO ITS NOT, this is why CL or Ruin needs to go HORDE for next expansion.

I have JOINED your raids, other raids my personal experience HAS BEEN TERRIBLE, i dont support lagscale PVP it sucks, but balance is still important.

Example of fabricated wins

The video shows server crash, WE ALL KNOW people phase out and disconnect in a crash, horde ATTACKS them quickly without NEEDING to shard back, the alliance group is just sitting there, it appears people are STILL logging back some of them are sitting on their mounts or phased out, where division 7 is claiming victory. Is that REALLY a victory?

You are DOING the SAME in a way, are you NOT?

I DONT understand WHY people CANT just be HONEST, why fabricate and brag SO MUCH? In REALITY you know where YOU stand.

Then there is this one?

SUCH a BIG difference in CLARITY of victories.

Show me legit proof of archoas and cryptids dead AGAINST your own raid, if you cant. Shut it NOW stop making things UP like spartanics from division 7 did.

How COME alliance leaders don’t do this on the FORUMS? horde leaders desperately DO IT. Exactly WHY huge failure on horde in warmode in this expansion.

Yea I believe you’re right. Now I have a guilty conscience. Thanks Dad


I can’t answer that question as I haven’t participated in alot of Horde vs Ruin/Cryptids with Shadowblades but I know for sure when Himanshu’s community, WPvP Pals, was still a thing, they won alot more times than Ruin/Cryptids did.

Man, I miss that community group. He was a great leader. Hopefully he comes back in Shadowlands.


I’m sure its been said, but the main reason Horde can’t build up a force to combat these Alliance bloq’s is the Horde doesn’t have to. The horde win almost every single phase of Nazjatar. If they meet any resistance, they can just pop open group finder and transfer to a winning phase.

Why fight against an alliance army?

Alliance on the other hand have to coordinate in order to win.


hismanshu from WSB is a gd leader but we are talking ABOUT activity and dominance as a whole through out this EXPANSION. Himanshu just came for a month or two then QUIT again lool.

Technically when u say wpvp pals won MORE than ruin/cryptids that can’t be true, wpvp pals was active for 2 months then disbanded, while ruin/cryptids have been active through out this expansion with countless VICTORIES.

Its INTERESTING to me to REFLECT who won more, who was active, who actually DID things in warmode this expansion. Over all, WITHOUT A DOUBT it was Alliance dominated in guild and community wars, specifically in large scale

Wish HORDE HAD more consistency, people GAVE UP too soon, also BECAUSE of internal politics on horde.

Yes and no? I do my best to wear my best face, but I know the nature of people on the Internets, and later on the nature of MMO’ers. This is not the genre I belong in, but nevertheless I’m here. Despite my own toxicity level, make no mistake: the community has indeed gotten colder. That’s an all-across-the-board thing that includes and excludes me.

People are always looking for write-offs to satisfy their confirmation biases(human nature, sure), and in the case against me, it would be the arrogance and whining. People would act like solo 4,000+ HKs in cities(a more conservative estimate, I reckon) is so easy that anyone can do it, since hey, HKs are as cheap as dirt esoterically. And I guess when Survival spec became full melee in Legion, nobody was paying attention to what was really happening behind the scenes. Nobody saw that a new revolution of pruning occurred in ways that artifact weapons never did manage to graft back in. Tanks and healers in particularly were unstoppable, and melee was still problematic, but Legion was the worst time to be a RDPS mainly because of pruning. Despite this, I finished City Attacker in June 2018(hotly before prepatch).

I, and you too, can only appeal to those who are eager and willing to listen and hear others out. But you can’t deny it’s getting worse community-wise. I make no bones about it that I’m a filthy casual whose back is sore from backstabbing in guild politics. The community, despite that I share that in common more with them than they like to admit, don’t like that to be the poster boy example of a WoW player. They want and deserve better, but with me they’re going to get what is common at best.

And to think we couldn’t have a nice discussion together. I just acquiesce to the usual forum tough guy bravado and take it for granted. In THIS business you need an even thicker skin than this to smoke them L’s out there in the field, especially in the cities.

Are you reading this, Blizzard?

Using LFG to dodge is NOT the SOLUTION, this is EXACTLY why i THINK ruin or CL need to go HORDE next expansion.

When either of them decide to bring 3 raids, the other CAN do the SAME.

All ABOUT balance.

Lol you still claim you beat us when there’s one Ruin guy in any of those screenshots and he isn’t even around the action.

Correct … most horde don’t need to group up for anything . Alliance have to and hence the popularity of WPvP groups on the alliance side.

Ruin will have a hard time trying to recruit people on the Horde side who are willing to join raids .


Goooood POINT this COULD happen but ruin still HAS a solid leadership not to FORGET they were horde before and WERE big at THAT time as well.

imo they would be still BETTER than the current horde guilds.

All they WOULD need is one 40 man raid and their MULTIBOXER that they heavily rely on in rivalry fights. I HOPE THIS HAPPENS CL or ruin go HORDE!!!

its actually irritating to read anything you write. I’m not entirely sure why I keep trying…


It begs the question…who exactly are they getting victories against? Waiting on your response.

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I feel like reading this post scrambled my brain.

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It’s basically about a cryptid league and ruin sympathizer. Who claims to hate lagfest wpvp but is advocating for one of two large alliance groups to go horde so they can fight each other…in a battle royale.

These two wpvp communities are the biggest and baddest…if the horde does not have a counterpart who exactly are they crushing?


Shadowblades claim they have been smashing Ruin…I have never seen a ShadowBlade raid in action so I would not know about the veracity of that claim.

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