Crusading Strikes In TWW

Is Crusading Strikes still going to be viable in TWW? Templar Strike is going to do a lot more dmg. I’d rather not have to go back to the Crusader Strike play style.


Templar Strikes was my favorite spell. I mean, nothing defines paladins more than taking a warhammer and knocking someone upside their head. :grin:

That being said, with the new Zealot’s Fervor now giving 40% Haste, Crusading Strikes could possibly be the dominant talent again.

Don’t know about pre-patch. But Radiant-Herald Ret with Templar Strikes seems the way to go at lvl 80. Templar Slash does =>50% more damage than Final Verdict.

If Templar becomes meta we are much more likely to play Crusading Strikes though, as it combos really well with the Templar talent “Higher Calling”.

All auto attacking talent abilities should be removed, it’s so boring same goes for dh auto talent and now they removed annihilator talent for fury. Good riddance


Unless csaa gets heavily nerfed in both attack speed, damage then it will always be better fhan templar strikes. Blizzard may have give it too mich damage now but kt will fall down because it literally doesnt scale. Cd is too high and haste will make csaa better and better.

A talent that removes a button from your bars like csaa should NEVER be the optimal choice. Rewarding lazyness over actually playing the game. Dhs stayed fhat way forever now because demonblades is a million timea better than the demons bite talent.

Blizzard is too incompetent

If zealots remains a 40% AA increase, then i think the response should be to increase the amount of swings required to generate HP from cssa. We need to remember, that is we nerf the damage output from cssa too much (as it needs to kake up for the loss of Auto attack damage and cs combined damage), then taking it all would be moot

Except warrior still generates rage through their auto attacks, which is basically what annihilator did, so what now? We’re just gonna remove that too? The fact that you missed this little fact tells me everything about your analytical skills.

The reason why annihilator was removed is because warrior already has something like that baseline, and also because it removed raging blow, which is just not fun, as there isn’t really a way to fill the rotation back up unless you had the tier set. Try to remove baseline auto attack rage generation and see how people would like it.

This is trash feedback, and you probably never tried using demon bite on dh, otherwise you wouldn’t be saying this garbage. Demon blades with full uptime is FAR more fun than demon bite could ever hope to be. And it was probably the single most significant improvement from shadowlands to DF havoc dh. The only time when bite was more fun than blades was when you had 1/3 or 1/2 of your rotation as downtime while using blades. But right now? Using bite when blades gives you full uptime on your rotation with maybe a missed gcd here and there would be insanity.


I’m honestly confused. Why doesn’t Templar Strikes scale?

What’s the cd on Templar Strikes?

I think they are referencing zealot’s ferver becoming a 2 point talent and giving 40% attack speed increase, which would effect cssa since it replaces auto attack.

It does scale on basic haste, but does not scale with haste effecting gcd.

So it’s cd and DoT scales, but not the GCD.

Per wowhead (not near my pc and cannot test for a few days) it has a 6 second cd excluding talents that effects it.

templar strike is currently way stonger than csaa and its a huge issue due to how RGs existence makes the rotation clunky and bad once you add another global. a global thats stronger then spenders and other builders by a huge margin. so your encouraged to press it the moment it gets off cd not matter if your over cap or not, get a art of war proc or not, is how is avaliable or not, if you have judgement debuff or not.

templar strikes should be nerfed because as long as RG exists then the spec will never have enoguh free global cds to make it feel good to press.

zeal being 40% honestly makes csaa so fluid and smooth that it feels way betetr than ts, ts as a two part combo that overshadows everything just feels bad to press when you actively ignore everything but wake of ashes and dt

idk why people think TS is weaker than csaa when it completely dumpsters everything in rets kit.

As we all know, during Dragon Flight, CSAA was so effective that it totally outclassed TS to the point it became the equivalent of Justicar’s Vengeance: nobody was using it.

Now with Zealot’s Fervor doubling it’s Haste to 40%, CSAA just became even more effective. Blizz had to do something in order to make Templar Strikes competitive to CSAA.

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ts was 3% overal behind csaa and actually did more damage in m+
incase you dont believe me
raidbots com/simbot/report/8CRCk9LcyqwT8UChaEUTbr

if people didnt use it then thats on them 100%. ive used cs and ts plenty of times in aberrus for fun

by making it so oppressively strong that it just dumpsters everything else in rets kit and breaks the spec core design of spender>builders.

ya thats not soemthing we should celebrate

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Then what would you suggest to make TS competitive with CSAA?

in tww? remove radiant glory. ts was viable and competitive until the added radiant glory and thus made your hammer of wrath available to use 50+% of the encounter

so they actively mad a concious choice to make your filler ability and al lthe good changes behind it since the start of the alpha and beta cycle (ts) completely pointless when they added rg. now ts just feels bad to press cause we have no globals for it, without kicking something out of the rotation like judgement or blade of justice (this is with one charge of blade of justice btw) both of which do more for the core engine of the spec compared to ts. even the dot crit scaling of wake doesnt make ts feel good pressing cause it does very little in general (Wake dot scaling)

they wrote themselves into a huge corner with ts, they cant make it viable without completely breaking the design of ret (spenders> builders) or without shoving one of our other generators into the curb which are more iconic and do more for the spec engine

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Haste alone wil make csaa the best talent yet again.
To answer your other question

The way to make ts competitive is to nerf csaa into the ground. Put a penalty even if csaa is picked reduce attack speed. In time because haate will go up you will get gcd locked and ts needs to justifiy its gcd use. Back in df csaa just flooded you with hp easily. Even in pvp where youd think on demmand hp generation was more useful but no.

So they need to nerf csaa and change ts so it doesnt just do stupid high damage, but it plays i to the overall rotation.

Another change would be to stop csaa hp generating swing to count towards dawn.

Either way, no pick and forget talent that removes a skill should ever be the best performing choice

no amount of haste will make up the 9ish% difference between ts and csaa on templar.

Spelling and punctuation are your friends.

Mechanics vs damage is the choice. Damage wise cssa was always the one that did the least damage (you have to factor the damage of losing cs as a button and Weapon swing damage from Auto attacks) even including base CS, with the trade off of convenience (one button less in your rotation.)

Albeit in df cs/cssa/ts had always been so weak that people just didn’t care about the damage too much, as they cared more about the hp generation.

I hoghly doubt the higher HP generation from that speed buff is going to go unnoticed hy blizz. I am pretty certain a nerf to the hp gen will come.

Or maybe not let us use hammer during avengers/crusade.

You could remove CSAA from the game and it wouldn’t really change anything. Ret has no open GCD’s to use on CS/TS.

Seriously, hop on the beta and play ret without either CSAA or TS. After hitting a target dummy for 5 minutes (with 11% haste) i used good old CS a grand total of 2 times. But with even the slightest movement my CS usage would have been reduced to zero.

The problem with CS/TS is twofold.

  1. Ret is GCD capped, there is no room for it.
  2. CS/TS has no interaction with the spec outside of generating HoPo.

Both these issues can only be solved by 1) giving ret another rework, or 2) removing Radiant Glory, or 3) making TS hit as hard as a nuke. Blizzard went with the latter, not because it was the easiest fix, but because that’s realistically the only thing they could do with their allotted time. Both hero specs are utterly dependant on Radiant Glory to function, so just getting rid of it was not an option.

In a different timeline Blizzard stuck with the old design of having Radiant be the midrange build and Holystrike be the melee build. Because then there was space for it exist, but this is not the world we live in.

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yes but it made that up with the gcds saved and being able to use those global cds on other things like fv judgement and boj

ts in tww still oppressive and dumpsters everything in the kit. forcing itself to be pressed on cd the moment it gets off cd cause its that strong and any second left unpressed is a dps loss

the different between csaa and ts was roughly 3% overal, according to alot of people in these forums. they didnt know that ts was only 2-3 behind and thought the gap was wider.

im sure they’ll nerf it by 10% 40%->30% which seems to be a acceptable level for a two point talent

sure thats a solution, but its a unrealistic one. just as unrealistic as removing RG. ts either dies or the spec design dies.