Crusader Strike (RPPVP) FULL

Thankya for the heads up

Too little too late IMHO. Now it’s not worth swapping from Lava Lash.

Hopefully he loses some fans over this.

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If you think less than 1 hour is too little too late then that is more of a you problem. Those actually interested in this server type will move.


They need to open more than that.

Which creates another issue. The folks who actually wanted to be on the RP-PvE server can’t get in.

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NVM, I was confused.

Everyone was logged in early.

There is no AU RP-PVP server

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Ah, I’ve logged into so many servers I don’t even remember.

Very much a drop in the bucket but I’m over his negativity and this realm bs shows he doesn’t really give a F.

I recently signed off for the night on Crusader Strike, and in my honest opinion, Blizzard should consider removing the “RP” label from the server. The atmosphere there hardly reflects any role-playing, with a lot of childish behavior reminiscent of Asmon’s cult followers and other streamers turning it into more of a streamer-centric server. I had initially looked forward to playing Alliance with friends and family but ended up being forced to go Horde due to the Alliance being locked. Now being Horde and on top of that dealing with the disruptive presence of these “you know what” makes me not even play SoD anymore.


The opposite. It was intentional, he was triggered at RP folks:

But now im completely sure. Now we’re gonna be playing on it for f$# sure guys. Yep RPPVP server Alliance. That’s it. A bunch of upright p$# who think that they’re entitled to tell other people what server they can and can’t play on. Who the f$# do you think you are you f$# loser? We’re gonna play on the RPPVP server and there’s nothing you can f$# do about it. Cry a river, make a reddit post, bi$# and moan, and nothing’s gonna change. That’s just the way it is. Build the wall. The wall just got ten feet higher. That’s right. Holy sh$#. God I can’t f$# believe these p$#.

So crash the only destination for RPPVP (originally) out of spite with your 100,000 equally toxic followers, displacing an entire community and disrupting their playstyle. There is no acceptable justification for behavior like that.


Just go to Chaos Bolt and avoid the clown show.


I already did, but most of my mates refused to leave CS for being “too established” 3 hours in. So I’m on my own.

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No one ever said the devs were smart or had any sort of common sense or social skills. May as well teach a bunch of chimpanzees how to code. They’d probably do a better job than this.

Welcome to Hell

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what happens with streamer’s servers? is it bad? I wanna play SoD but I dont know what realm…

Treat them with tea tree oil… Then you’ll have all the ladies in the realm admiring your beautiful feet… Trust me… :sunglasses:

They are usually vasty overcrowded to begin with, and while they often drop off later you get a lot of… lets say… disruptive individuals on them. Why almost all of them turn out to be miserable servers. The fact this was specifically done on an RP-PVP server, which attracts a specific and often generally (as far as the WoW community is concerned) wholesome group that actually want a good experience for everyone, makes it all the worse.


Come to Chaos Bolt. All the Grobbulus players are rolling here.