Crusader Strike Realm Temporarily Locked to New Players

As a temporary measure to prevent further service issues, we’ve locked the Crusader Strike realm to new players. Players who have already established their character on this realm should see no change to their ability to access the realm.

Crusader Strike is now labeled as “Locked” on the realm selection screen, and new players who wish to enjoy RP-PvP should select the Chaos Bolt realm.

Thank you!


Seems the streamers and their fans took over that server pretty handily.



this could have been prevented if you guys told us the servers in the first place so ppl know where to go now it’s too late with the steamers taking over lol. that server cannot be saved now so yeah, go cb while you can.


Asmon and his toxic fanbase ruin every server they join. I had to quit HC after that depressed streamer ruined it, and now they’re ruining Classic+. Go home streamers, we don’t want you here.


I don’t understand how players from a server you don’t play on can ruin your experience


Wow… Just as my friend bought a sub and was making a character too. Awful communication.


If you’re a Grobbulus or Emerald Dream player, then come to Chaos Bolt, especially Horde players.


+1 for Chaos Bolt.

It’s been great so far Alliance side.

I heard Horde is popping off too.

Gonna be some great open world pvp stuff going on soon.


what time zone is chaos bolt? Im on wild growth which i think is west coast and my lag there is kinda crappy… Im actually in central time zone which doesnt get a nice realm location… not sure why its either east or west coast.

Is that your expert medical opinion?

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Ally is currently locked, we need more Horde to open it up again.

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We DoNt NeEd MoRe ReAlMs


It’s West Coast, just like Grobbulus.

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so if you pick on faction on that realm, are you stuck to that faction?

Not sure, didn’t try to make any Horde.

thanks! :frowning:
I dont know why Bliz cant put a realm in central region… theres some big cities in the midwest… i do get better pings from the east realms

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But why? The only time that people would even be on is when the streamers are online. They’ll get bored quickly. This is redic.

Chaos Bolt

Name checks out.

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Ridiculous. First week and the realms already locked. What a waste of time I’ve spent on a a character that my friends who can’t play during the week can no longer join.


Why so few East Coast server options in general? We do exist ya know.