Crug mega thread

  • I heard that a scorpid stung Crug and after 3 days of excruciating agony the scorpid died.

  • I heard that Crug’s blood cures Undeath too bad he never bleeds.

  • I heard Crug doesn’t shower because he bathes in Alliance blood daily.

  • I heard Crug beat a mogu statue at a staring contest.

  • Once upon a time I heard Crug went to the AU timeline and met another Crug. The End… of the Alliance.


Crug you were challenged in duel, how long are you going to hide from hunter player?

When I’m not playing…

I’m Thinking about my strategies in previous battlegrounds, should we really have gone docks in that last isle of conquest? Would we have won otherwise If we went hanger? (Yes)

I’m thinking about previous strategies in arenas, Why didn’t we hit the enhancement shaman? Always hit the enhancement shaman!

I’m thinking about future CRUG raids on stormwind, maybe we should enter through the docks? A surprise attack perhaps? Dealing with too much espionage and SI7 spies in my raids.

I’m thinking about the various patrol routes to walk in Orgrimmar, I must protect my home against the Alliance militias that dare infiltrate our HOME!

I am CRUG, orc warrior of the Horde, chieftain of the Crug Clan. The Horde is all I have as I was born in the year 18 in Durnhold Keep, my parents were killed shortly after my birth…I was raised in Orgrimmar in the orphanage after being freed by thrall!

Although I am young in terms of orc years (15) I am have seen many battles. I’ve participated in victories, and loses. I’ve killed Alliance soldiers, I’ve watched honorable Horde soldiers die in battle. Even those raised in the orphanage with me, some of them died so young, in the various campaigns that we’ve taken part in.

At least they died in honor, and they didn’t die in vain. I do not forget their sacrifices, and the Horde doesn’t either.

In these times of peace, the Horde will heal, and find its footing. The Horde will arise from the ashes as strong and as honorable as ever. I hold grudges against the Alliance, and many other Horde members do as well.

I entrust the council to lead honorably, and we will one day enact justice to the many alliance wrongs committed against the Horde.

Until then, heal, rest, and rekindle the honor that the Horde is made of! loktar!

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So you’re going to attack the Alliance again as soon as you get the opportunity but you’re also going to rebuild the hordes honor

Question: What is “Honor”

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People really enjoy it when the Horde violates the Geneva Conventions, I think.

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It might be old lore now, but Rise of the Horde had orcs reach adulthood around age 12. Not a huge fan of it myself but that was the age they could start going on hunts and also have their courtship hunt. They were human adult sized and doing weapon training by six.

I haven’t actually seen anything in game which contradicts it but this is one of those cases I wouldn’t really mind being wrong.


I really wanted to attend the convention last year but I never could find Geneva on my map of Azeroth. I wanna try again this year, do you know if tickets are gunna be the same price???


It’s right next to wherever the hell Sky Captain Swayze is supposed to be from.

I think you’re right. I didn’t read Rise of the Horde but I did read Before the Storm, and I’m pretty sure Sylvanas even notes that a new generation of Orcs will be able to fill out an army way, way faster than the Alliance could field anything, and that because they’d be young they wouldn’t hesitate to kill. I think the specific phrase was that they wouldn’t ask too many questions if it meant “Wetting their axes.”

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More seriously, if I wanted my audience not to interpret my fictional races through the lens of a document considered foundational to how we’re meant to treat people while trying to kill them, I would simply not have them break the tenants of that document so casually.

RIP to Ion, but I’m…you know how this ends.


You know, I’ve never actually met him… But I heard he loves to surf and is a helluva dancer. It sounds like he really likes to have the time of his life… Though I think he may have passed away… (RIP irl Patrick)… Wait… did you see that copper just slide up the wall? We might be in danger…

What you stated is canon :slight_smile:

It’d be great if Blizzard used their scenario technology (think Huln WotA flashback) and had players play out the coming of age ritual. Same with the Shaman ritual that I can’t remember off the top of my head. There is so many cultural things Blizzard can get players immersed into with their new technology.

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yeah that’s mad gross and it’s why we see people RPing 13yo orcs that are looking to get their bone on in the Wyvern’s Tail


Yeah but like… kids are better yo, they have less kill presence!



So much this!

(Commentary): Unit Exacitor never knew the Orcs were enslaved! Profits have been good for many years for Manatech Enterprises. I might’ve invested. Ah, wait, no, I’ve just been informed the Orcs actually weren’t for sale so… I guess they weren’t really slaves or enslaved.


I’m gonna start calling it crug when someone throws up. Like I’m gonna replace hurl or puke with crug.

“Bro, you totally just crugged all over the carpet!!”