Crug mega thread

CRUG is struggling with his transmog, besides wowhead and mogit are there any resources? I find that I can’t find shields that match any of my Mogs. HELL CRUG LOOK HIS BEST

Honestly, if I were ye? I’d grind out th’ Mythic Blackrock Foundry warrior set. Has that sorta coarse, beaten metal look reminiscent of old Warhammer Orcs. Take the mythic Iron Soldier’s saber with it, from the same raid

Bam, ye’ll look like a Black Orc - the toughest, meanest, most feared gits in the Badlands - did I say Badlands? I meant Durotar. Or Barrens. Or Stonetalon or whatever.


Hello crug, I heard you have asked about me. I think you are nice guy and because of this I will answer to any question you may have about me.

Ah, Christ.


So like, is CRUG an acronym for something?

Let’s make an acronym for CRUG.

Cringe right under gamertime


(Speculative): Crug as an acronym?

  • Courageous
  • Raider’s
  • Ultimate
  • Greatness
  • Comfortable
  • Rugs
  • Under
  • Greyah

Sorry Crug, you are not Ephie…


He needs more visible bones.

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Wolf pelts work great for this

CRUG feels connected to the HORDE today. The Horde is all CRUG has and would gladly give his life to preserve it.


Crug needs a hobby


Crug Cave, it ya know ya know.

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I heard a rumor that crug said I am scared of him. If that is true I demand Mak’gora.

Brothers and sisters of the Horde, hear these words from CRUG, orc warrior of the Horde, and chieftain of the Crug Clan!

A new era of the Horde is amongst us. The path that we chose to walk Will influence the children of the Horde For generations.

I remember my time as a young orphan, raised in Orgrimmar after being freed from enslavement! I never knew my parents. They died sometime after my birth before Thrall liberated us from Durnhold Keep!

From a young age, the horde was all I had, and it still is. In the years leading up to my Ormrigger I remember hearing of Garroshs victories in Northrend, I admired him, I saw honor in HIM! Somewhere along the way…he lost it, all of the heroics, All of the good deeds to the Horde, thrown away! By racism, greed, and a lust for power. We must never let these feelings take over, HONOR ABOVE ALL ELSE.

We had that briefly with Voljins short reign, but it did not last, and the banshee was appointed.

Unfortunately The Banshee’s reign was not one of honor. I saw this from the start, but severed as honorably as I could!

Which leads me back to where I began, the Horde is free of her reign, and with honor having been restored to our great faction, we must heal. A new horde will arise from this time of peace.

There are plenty of unresolved conflicts, many more battles to be fought, but know that CRUG will be there to serve and to help forge a future that we can all be proud of!

Loktar brothers and sisters, blood and thunder!

Sincerely CRUG


But Crug, can you make orcish pancakes?

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Take inspiration in my words brother!

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It’s like french toast. Just more violent.